10 Signs You Have A Single Girl Soul Even If You’re In A Relationship

10 Signs You Have A Single Girl Soul Even If You’re In A Relationship

For many of us, being single means being free. Some of us will always have a single girl’s mindset even if we’re in a serious, loving relationship that doesn’t really encroach on our independence anyway. That doesn’t mean that we don’t love our partners or that we want to break up, but rather that we’ll never completely be the wifey type. Here’s how you know you’ll always have a single girl’s soul:

  1. You secretly cringe at the thought of another couples’ night out. Couples’ nights out bore the hell out of you but you’ve accepted the fact that it’s part of adult relationships. As individuals, your friends may be the most intelligent and interesting people in the world but as a couple, they’ve morphed into two predictable twins that finish each other sentences. You spend a lot of time worrying about ever being that way and sometimes wonder if you already are. Yikes!
  2. Never being able to flirt with other guys feels like the end of being young and fun. Exclusivity and loyalty are the basis of every solid relationship, and flirting with other men or women is a dangerous game if you don’t understand boundaries. However, a freedom junkie like you just needs to have these moments to make you feel like you’re still alive. It’s not about cheating, but rather not losing touch with the world.
  3. When people ask you about your holiday plans, you prefer to use “I” instead of “we.” You do have plans with your significant other, but you just hate using the plural when he’s not present. It kinda feels like you’ve had a personality transplant and can no longer think for yourself. When you talk about yourself, you say “I” instead of “we.” You may be in a relationship, but you’re still your own person, and you want the people around you to know that.
  4. You need time alone with the girls and you expect him to have his guy time too. Every once in a while, you need time out with your BFFs. Just because you’re in a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you want to be together 24/7.  It works both ways — you expect him to want to do the same from time to time with his bros instead of staying home counting the minutes until you’re back.
  5. You’ve never had fantasies about a conventional wedding. Even though you always had dreams about meeting an insanely sexy guy, you never had fantasies about a white dress, a cake, and a big wedding party. You can think a million more romantic things to do with your boyfriend than walking down the aisle. If it’s up to you, you’d rather do something more unconventional, like travel to a remote village in Tibet and tie the knot on an ancient rock while chanting alongside Buddhist monks.
  6. You never see yourself moving in the suburbs even if you have a husband and kids. You’re a city girl and you need the urban hustle and bustle to be happy. Life in the leafy suburbs sounds like a total nightmare, and you don’t see yourself ever living there, even if you have a screaming toddler in a small two-bedroom apartment.
  7. A part of you secretly believes that sleeping with one person for the rest of your life is kinda crazy and unrealistic. You’re serious about being monogamous when you’re in a committed relationship, yet there’s something that’s not completely natural about sleeping with only one person for the rest of your life. You aren’t a cheater, but you question the idea that you should be ecstatic at the thought of eternal monogamy. Maybe this just shows that you’re a smart woman who uses her brains and questions things instead of taking them for granted.
  8. You’d hate taking somebody else’s name. Giving up your maiden name after marriage sounds very unlike you. You have your name since the day you were born and you aren’t planning to give it up for a guy, even if he is your future husband. He doesn’t own you, so why does he have to change you?
  9. You don’t know if you want kids because you don’t want to give up your life. You have so many extraordinary future plans that you aren’t sure where kids fit in the picture. Having said that, you aren’t 100 percent certain that you don’t want them, but anything more than one sounds like too much work and responsibility. Giving up on so much freedom scares the socks off you because you just know you’d always be a sucker for your kids’ love. Moreover, the fear that someone one day will call you a soccer mom puts you off parenting for the moment.
Chrisa is a freelance travel and lifestyle journalist who is obsessed with urban life, big cities, and untold stories.