Amazing Friendships You Could Be Missing Out On When You’re Too Scared To Try

Making friends as an adult is really, really hard and also kind of scary. You meet someone, you click, you feel awkward about pursuing an actual friendship, and you leave and never talk to them again. Social media assures that you can keep your old friendships alive forever, albeit from a distance, and that means you don’t really have to take the risks of trying to make a new buddy. But without taking that risk, you’re missing out on having some really awesome people in your life. For example, here are six people you ALMOST became friends with who would’ve been a stellar addition to your clique.

  1. The drunk girl in the bathroom. You know the girl I’m talking about — that drunk girl you met in a bathroom late night at a bar or club. You guys totally bonded for, like, 20 minutes until one of your friends came in and dragged you out. Why wouldn’t you want to be this girl’s friend? She likes to give you compliments, thinks you’re super pretty, can’t wait to go shopping with you, and frequents the same bars you do. So get her info and take a commemorative selfie in that giant bathroom mirror to celebrate the beginning of your new friendship.
  2. The date you only had an intellectual connection with. Sometimes, usually when you’re being set up, you’ll realize pretty early on in a date that there’s just no chemistry there. However, the conversation is good, you have mutual hobbies and interests, and he makes you laugh. But you still never call him again because there’s no spark. It’s tricky to ask a guy to be your friend without inadvertently insulting him, as “I only like you as a friend” is a phrase that is dripping in rejection. But why not give it a try? You enjoyed each other’s company and the odds of that happening to two random people are pretty slim.
  3. Your boyfriend’s super cool ex. It’s natural to assume you aren’t going to like your boyfriend’s ex, because how could anyone blow it with your awesome guy? You’ll occasionally be surprised when you meet the ex and she turns out to be super cool. Like, the most interesting person you’ve met in a while. There’s some sort of unwritten rule about not befriending your man’s ex, but that’s BS. If you’re secure enough in your relationship to have this person in your life, go for it! You already know you have somethings in common.
  4. Player’s wingman. Why do horrible guys seem to always have the sweetest wingman? He’s funny, charming, and a good friend. He’s sacrificed his chance with you to be good to his buddy, who doesn’t even deserve this nicety. Say bye to players and buy the wingman a beer, because he might be the nicest friend you’ll make in a while.
  5. Your local server, bartender, or barista. I know these people are essentially paid to be nice to you, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like you as a person as well! You’re probably already on a first name basis and have a little history going on. Plus, they always have cash on them, which is a great quality to have in a going out friend. While trying to spark up a friendship is fine, please do not hit on these people. They’re at work, dude. They don’t need that.
  6. The wedding MVP. There’s an MVP at every wedding. They’re the ones riling everyone up, getting the shots going, and dragging people to the dance floor. They make sure all the guests attending stag are having a good time. They make everyone smile and take the best candid shots. Of course this person should be at all your social events! They’re wonderful! If you let them be a single serving friend, you are definitely missing out.
Holly Harris is a freelance writer, full time student, and mommy to a toddler sass monster. In her (nearly nonexistent) free time, you can find her lifting something heavy in her home gym or chugging vodka sodas with friends. She contributes to several other sites, including Elite Daily.