Yeah, I’m Kind Of A Weirdo, But My Love Life Is So Much Better Because Of It

I’ve always known that I was a bit “different” from other people. I have lots of quirks that a lot of people might find “weird”, but honestly, I wouldn’t change them for anything… especially because they’ve surprisingly helped me out when it comes to love.

  1. I have a ton of confidence. I’m attuned to my weirdness and comfortable with who I am on every level. When I celebrate my own individuality, men want to know what makes me different from the rest. They respect me for following my unique instincts, not just following the pack. Nobody ever found the love of her life by fitting in perfectly. It’s the quirky bits that connect us to the ones we’re meant for.
  2. I’m guided by an adventurous spirit. I already feel miscast half the time, so I just do things in a way that makes sense to me. How other women behave in their romantic lives doesn’t determine how I behave in mine. I rely on my own vision and go for it, opening the door for connections I might never have if social norms concerned me too much. There are lots of ways to approach love, and I don’t feel scared or wrong that my vision of love doesn’t match the one I’ve always seen in pop culture. Knowing that makes me happier and, dare I say, more appealing.
  3. I’m more empathetic. I know what it feels like not to fit in. It’s not charming like a romantic comedy. You can’t flip your personality on and off at will. You need stamina to navigate the world on your own terms. I’ve cultivated patience, humor, and a broad worldview. Even when a guy isn’t really to my taste, I know he has feelings and idiosyncrasies worthy of being recognized by the right woman.
  4. I appreciate qualities others might overlook or disdain. Guys want to be understood and loved for who they truly are, not the image they present. I can always identify my own kind: the people who, like me, are just doing their own thing in life, not preoccupied with the norm. I’m not on a quest for the generic, perfect man. I search for lovers whose wonderful strangeness makes them unlike anyone else. Guys deserve to be valued for their authentic selves, and because I strive to be authentic, I understand that better.
  5. I’m at ease with differing perspectives. Whatever off-kilter way you have of viewing the world, I’m interested and want to know more. I love spending time with a fella who can add dimension to my outlook on life. His unconventional attitudes won’t faze me — I’ll actually find them intriguing.
  6. Unique men are drawn to me. The men I’ve dated would make great novel characters. Sexy anti-heroes, rebellious protagonists, swoon-worthy iconoclasts — these gents appreciate independent women. Finding a guy who loves my distinctive soul is the ultimate romantic success.
  7. I have awesome stories. To me, an odd date isn’t a bad date, it’s an adventure. I enjoy romantic walks on the beach with conspiracy theorists I met at the DMV, sushi dinners with math geniuses, and everything in between. All of these men retain a special place in my history. They’ve made my life richer, and I’ll never forget them.
  8. I easily embrace single status. If you’re always a little outside the standard social circle, you naturally feel comfortable going it alone. You enjoy it when you do match up with the right one, but it’s more a bonus than a necessity for a satisfying life. My sensitive self would way rather be alone than fake it for the wrong guy just to maintain appearances. No way in hell will I settle with someone I don’t connect with deeply.
  9. I think love is a damn miracle. Connection never comes easily to me. As good as I am at doing things for myself, by myself, I often feel lonely. Standing out and being proud of who I am can be draining. I’ve sometimes wondered if I’ll ever fit with anyone. So when love finds me, I never take it for granted. I experience it deeply. I totally revel in it. It’s always worth the wait.
  10. I display my originality without shame. Look, I know I’m not more sophisticated or creative than other people. It’s just that my real self kinda oozes out, and I’m at a loss to stop it. Since I suck at hiding behind convention, I naturally demonstrate what each of us has deep inside: a distinctive, memorable soul that is capable and worthy of love.
Jackie Dever is a freelance writer and editor in Southern California. When she's not working, she enjoys hiking, reading, and sampling craft beers.