10 Signs A Guy Is Worth Being With Forever

It’s true that forever is a long time, which is why it’s important to ensure you’re with someone that builds you up and enhances your life. There are various tell-tale signs that can reveal if your partner is a good fit for you. From the way he acts around your family to what he tells you when you’re alone, the following signs will reveal if your partner is a good fit for life or if you should send them packing.

  1. He likes your family (or at least tolerates them). Your partner doesn’t have to be best friends with your family, but he should never make you feel as though you need to choose between the two. He should be understanding of your family dynamic and supportive when you need him to be, but at the same time, he should never be directly disrespectful to them. A good partner will work to enhance your relationship with your family, not hinder it.
  2. Your conversations don’t get stale. You know you have a strong connection with someone when you always find something to talk about. It’s a good sign when they’re consistently the first person you want to share news with. There will of course be moments of silence, but these will be tranquil rather than awkward.
  3. He respects your boundaries. The last thing a good partner will want to do is hurt you, so he’ll make every effort to respect your boundaries and ensure you’re comfortable with the direction things are going. He’ll always be open and respectful when it comes to listening to your side and will actively work to improve the issues that you point out.
  4. Things go smoothly in the bedroom. Good sex isn’t the be-all, end-all of a relationship. In fact, if that’s all you two have going for you, then there’s a problem. But part of having a strong connection is being on the same page when it comes to your sexual energy. That doesn’t mean you won’t have dry spells or points of disagreement, but rather that the two of you are open to hearing each other out and working through it.   
  5. He notices when you’re not yourself. If your partner can always tell when you’re not in a good mood, it means he’s really paying attention. It shows that he cares about your well-being, but more than that, he knows you on a personal level. If he goes the extra mile to get you out of your funk and put a smile on your face, then he’s a true keeper.
  6. You don’t have to fish for compliments. Face it – every girl wants to be told she’s beautiful and smart. Your partner should make you feel like the only girl in the world. Not every guy is great with his words or expressing emotion, but at the very least, he should let you know just how much he loves and appreciates you without you asking for it.
  7. He likes your interests (and introduces you to new ones). The two of you don’t need to have identical interests in order to connect. After all, they say opposites attract. But even if he’s not as passionate about the same things as you, he should still be genuinely interested in learning about them in order to support you, and vice versa. Even more, he should want to introduce you to new interests that you can both share together.
  8. He pushes you to be a better person. Your partner should want to build you up, not tear you down. They thrive on seeing you be successful and happy, and you should feel the same way when celebrating their accomplishments. You should both work towards helping the other achieve your goals. Of course, that doesn’t mean you support each other with blind eyes. A good partner won’t be afraid to point out your flaws and tell you when you’re in the wrong – in the most loving way, of course.
  9. You don’t feel the need to change him. It goes without saying that your partner shouldn’t be trying to change you – but it works both ways. If you’re always complaining about what you wish your partner was doing differently, or you’re forcing him into a role that doesn’t feel natural, then it may be a sign to call it quits. When your partner is a perfect fit, you won’t feel the need to change a single thing about them. You love them just the way they are.
  10. He accepts you at your worst and weirdest. If you feel completely comfortable with your man – meaning you can be a hot mess or a complete weirdo – then you know you’ve found a partner for life. You shouldn’t feel like you have to walk on pins and needles around your partner. Rather, you should feel comfortable telling them anything. If your partner can’t handle you at your goofiest, or even more importantly, your lowest point, then it may be a sign the relationship isn’t as strong as you think.
Alexandra is a freelance writer in Montreal, Quebec. She enjoys shopping as a sport, Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs, and being a plant mom.