Things Only A True Southerner Would Do

Things Only A True Southerner Would Do

Whether you’re born and raised Southern, or you adapted your lifestyle when you moved to the South, you feel like you’re a true Southerner. Check out this list to see if you do some of the things only a true Southerner would do. 

1. Say Y’all

There are plenty of ways to say it: “You all,” “Youse guys,” or even “Hey, you!” but a true Southerner simply refers to more than one person as “y’all.” Once someone is accustomed to using this colloquialism, it’s a hard habit to break.

2. Own at least one item of camouflage 

Admit it: There’s something with camouflage somewhere in your closet. Heck, maybe even in your living room decor. If you’re a true Southerner, you just can’t make it through life without this staple. 

3. Make food when someone dies

Southerners practically invented comfort food, and it’s no surprise that it’s a go-to when times are tough. It’s just common knowledge that when someone dies, the true Southerners fill the freezer of the bereaved with casseroles and desserts.

4. Have a secret family recipe


Whether it’s your fried chicken, molasses cookies, or deviled egg recipe, there’s at least one “secret” recipe in every family. A true Southerner might never give away the secrets, but will happily whip it up for every potluck or gathering.

5. Spend time on the porch 

Listen, it’s hot. Before air conditioning, Southerners got their escape from the oppressive heat by swinging or rocking on the porch with a nice tall glass of lemonade. This tradition still remains strong in the South, but we sure do love our air conditioning. 

6. Be a good host

Every true Southern Mama teaches their children to be good hosts. Southern hospitality is real, and things like always offering guests something to eat or drink, or even a place to stay are just second nature to Southerners. 

7. Get way too into college football

It doesn’t even matter if you went to college—if you’re a true Southerner, you have a favorite college football team. Maybe it’s dad’s alma mater, or the team that throws the best tailgate parties, but whatever the team a true Southerner is way, way too into it. 

8. Use idioms like “bless your heart” 

Even most non-Southerners know that “bless your heart” doesn’t necessarily mean something nice, but it’s a phrase still widely used by true Southerners. You might even be “fixing to” do something, or be giving your friend down the road a “holler.” 

9. Not be afraid to get dirty

Whether it’s hunting, fishing, going mudding, or just washing the dog, you’re not afraid to get dirty. Every true Southerner is not only accustomed to getting dirty on occasion but is fearless in the face of it. 

10. Have a strong community

group of friends eating together

Whether it’s the church or your local bowling league, you have a community. Southerners thrive in groups where bonds are close and people take care of each other. 

11.  Have strong traditions

family having dinner around the tableiStock

In the South, traditions are strong, and people take them very seriously. Ever heard of Mardi Gras or Juneteenth? These events have deep historical meaning and evoke massive celebrations every year. Food-centered events like fish fries, crawfish boils, or fall festivals are common, and they mean a lot to Southerners. 

12. Have strong opinions about food

Whether it’s Memphis, Carolina, or Texas style, a true Southerner will have strong opinions about their BBQ. Should grits be sweet or savory? These things matter to Southerners, and they’ll definitely tell you all about it. 

13. Write thank-you notes

If you’re a true Southerner, you were taught to say “please” and especially “thank you.” But it’s not enough to just say it—Southerners strongly believe in writing thank you notes for everything from graduation gifts to that time you brought them soup when they were sick. The penmanship is on point, too.

14. Obsessed with sugary drinks


Whether it’s “Coke,”  sweet tea, or lemonade, a true Southerner typically has a preferred sugary drink. Southerners are either sipping on a sugary beverage throughout the day or rewarding themselves with that sweet treat after a hard day’s work.

15. Smile and wave at strangers

Do true Southerners believe in strangers, really? It’s hard to tell, seeing as they smile and wave at anyone they come across. When you’re from the South, everyone gets the same greeting—and it’s a friendly one. 
