I’m probably one of the few women who aren’t interested in being an alpha female. No, it doesn’t mean I’m quiet and demure. It doesn’t mean I live to wait on my husband. Yet if you put me side by side with an alpha, we definitely wouldn’t be the same. More power to you if you want to be an alpha, but don’t be ashamed if you aren’t one. There’s a place for us — we just don’t have shout it out to the world.
- It’s too much work all the time. You can’t get on a single women’s lifestyle site without seeing articles praising the life of the alpha female. It all just seems like a lot of work just to constantly tell everyone who you are and what it means. I prefer a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle that I don’t have to explain.
- Sometimes I don’t want to be in control. My friends might call me a control freak, but honestly, I don’t always want to be in control. I don’t crave it, but I do get put in charge often. That’s what makes me different. I don’t demand control. I’m good at what I do and that leads others to ask me to take control.
- I’m confident without being loud about it. I’m glad alpha females aren’t afraid to tell the world how confident they are. I’m not either. I just tend to let my confidence show through my actions instead of preaching it to anyone who will listen.
- Sometimes they seem more insecure. I don’t care what you call yourself, we all have insecure moments. I guess I’ve always just seen alpha females as more insecure. Why? Those who are the loudest are often trying to hide something. I could be wrong, but if you’re ever close friends with one, you’ll figure out I’m right.
- I hate all the drama. Being an alpha means drama. There’s no denying that alphas love to share their opinions and aren’t always open-minded to other opinions. This usually leads to plenty of drama both online and offline. Frankly, I have better things to do.
- I get to be tough without being called a bitch. Sure, I’ve been called a bitch, but not as often as alpha females are subjected to. Since my approach and attitude aren’t as extreme or in your face, I don’t get the bitch label as often. Avoiding it makes me quite happy, though it’s incredibly unfair that any woman has to put up with that.
- I’m not afraid to be feminine. I know this doesn’t apply to all alphas, but so many of them seem to take offense to anything feminine. Why can’t I enjoy cooking and cleaning and still be a strong, independent woman? I love wearing cute dresses and doing nice things for my guy. On the other hand, I’m a major geek who sometimes wears old t-shirts while coding websites.
- Sometimes silence works best. Alphas are great a lot of things, but listening isn’t always one of them. Getting your point across is nice, but listening first works better. Sometimes you realize the person you’re talking to is an idiot and silence is the better option. As we all know, arguing with an idiot just makes you one too.
- I can lead or follow with no problems. I’m not offended if I’m not in charge. Following means I get a chance to learn from someone more qualified than me. I’m equally good as a leader or a follower. This gives me more opportunities.
- I’m not an alpha or a beta, I’m a woman. The moment I say I’m not interested in a being an alpha female, most label me as a beta female. I’m not. I’m not anywhere close to a beta. What am I? I’m a woman. I think that’s all I ever need to be.
- My moods vary and no one label defines me. Today I could easily qualify as an alpha, but tomorrow I might seem like a beta. Last week, bitch was probably the best label (what can I say, hormones suck). I can’t say I’m anything but myself and that’s always been enough for me and those around me.
- Dating is far easier. Let’s face it, dating isn’t easy for alphas. Men aren’t sure how to handle them. When you’re kind of inbetween, you’re easier to understand and get along with. No, I’m not changing myself just to make dating easier. It’s just who I am and I encourage every other woman to be herself, whatever label that might be.
- Things don’t get to me so easily. While this doesn’t apply to every alpha female, some are overly sensitive, such as those extreme feminists that set feminism back several decades. I fight for what’s right, but I always try to see all sides. This means I don’t take everything to heart. I’m less stressed and that makes it easier to find solutions to the problems I face.
- I’m comfortable in my own skin. Since I’m not trying to fit into a certain mold, I’m able to just be me. I’m honestly comfortable in my own skin. I’m not afraid if I have a weak moment that I’ll lose my hard earned alpha status. Who cares? As long as I’m happy as myself that’s all that matters.
If you’re not alpha, be proud. Every type of woman has her place and for those like me, that place is anywhere you damn well please.