A man and his partner made an extremely questionable decision when they tried a DIY treatment for his erectile dysfunction. The couple injected insulation foam into the man’s penis and bladder via a straw connected to the bottle that was inserted into his urethra. Needless to say, this did not go well.
- The case was written up in the November 2021 issue of Urology Case Reports. While it’s a few months old now, it’s just this week that people have started to talk about this terrible situation that left the man urinating blood and possibly unable to use his penis as he’d like to ever again.
- The 45-year-old man was desperate. According to the journal, he’d been inserting various objects into his urethra for a while to help with ED, but on one occasion, he and his partner thought it would be a good idea to use a straw attached to the bottle of weatherproofing spray. Unfortunately, his partner then “inadvertently pressed the button deploying the foam.” Oh no!
- Things went very, very wrong. The foam went up through his urethra, filling the entire thing and even filling up his bladder. Worse yet, the man didn’t seek medical attention for three weeks, at which point he was forced to go to the emergency room because he couldn’t pee and was urinating blood when he could.
- The man had an extreme urethral stricture disease. This happens when there’s scarring that narrows the urethra, which is already pretty tight anyway. The foam spray was anchored in the man’s penis and while surgeons were eventually able to remove it from his bladder, there was still some left in the rest of his penis that endoscopic surgery couldn’t help. They were forced to cut through his perineum to reach it. This story just keeps getting worse!
- The surgery went well, but he’s not out of the woods. Three weeks after the procedure, the man still needed a suprapubic catheter to urinate and planned to keep it in place in “anticipation of a urethral repair.” Physicians say that while it doesn’t seem as if the man has mental health issues, he will have to undergo a psychological evaluation before reconstructive surgery would move forward.