Tattoo Artist Jailed For Inking Customer With Penis Instead Of Yin Yang Symbol

An Austrian tattoo artist was reportedly arrested after he inked a customer with a penis and the word “f***” instead of the yin yang the 21-year-old had requested. According to The Local, the incident took place in the town of St. Pölten in Lower Austria, though the motive for the artist’s crime is unknown. When asked why he did it, the man, also 21, replied: “Just because.”

  1. He agreed to create the yin yang tattoo. When the woman requested the yin yang tattoo, the tattoo artist said he’d do it and even drew up a template of the design to show her what he was going to do. The template was indeed the artwork the customer wanted on her body, so she told him she was happy for him to get started.
  2. Then he decided to go his own way. Instead of actually inking the template he’d created, the tattoo artist went rogue and instead permanently tattooed the woman with the phallic symbol and the harsh profanity.
  3. The customer didn’t realize what had happened until she got home. While it’s odd that the tattoo artist didn’t show off his work while the woman was still at the shop, apparently she had no idea what had been inked on her body until she got home. I imagine she was pretty horrified when she saw what had been done to her!
  4. The tattoo artist had only just been released from prison last year. He’d previously served time behind bars for charges related to fighting and burglary. He’s now been charged with causing bodily harm and was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison, which he will spend at an institution for offenders with mental health issues.
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