Why Single Women Have Every Right To Complain About Their Relationship Status

Sometimes single women put up with a lot of crap and get shamed for occasionally complaining about the struggles we face due to our lack of relationship. The truth is, we all experience our single lives differently, and even though we try to live in a state of hopeful optimism, sometimes a gal just needs to the right to vent her frustrations.

  1. Doing everything on your own is hard some days. Yes, we’re strong women capable of handling life completely on our own, but some days it would be a welcome benefit to having someone to share our lives and all its responsibilities with. Oh, you had to pick up his socks? That’s cute. We do all the grunt and handy work with our own two hands.
  2. We don’t live in misery 24/7. Single women are actually wildly optimistic and really strong for the most part. We’re always trying to better ourselves and are constantly taking chances with our hearts, but the moment we vent that we’re sick of the rigmarole that comes with being single in today’s society, we’re told to shut up and stop complaining.
  3. We put up with a lot of relationship complainers. We hear fellow friends complain about their own problems in relationships plenty, so forgive us if we seem to be living under the illusion that we’re also entitled to our own frustrations of our own life experiences. We’re all allowed to have bad days from time to time, too.
  4. Cliché advice is seriously getting annoying. We get fed a lot of nonsense that’s supposed to inspire us to be happy, but things like “You need to love yourself first,” “It’ll happen when you least expect it,” and “You’re too picky” only actually make us feel worse, and it’s hard to be positive when we’re constantly shamed for how we’re navigating the search efforts or being told we don’t have self-love in a roundabout way.
  5. Riding solo doesn’t just come with lonely moments; it’s also scary at times. Aside from the fact that we occasionally fall into emotional slumps of loneliness, being a single woman is pretty scary in today’s world. We have to watch our backs when we walk alone at night and do double takes before we get into our cars in a dark parking garage. Sometimes, we just wish others would consider the other variables that play a part in our attitudes.
  6. Being ghosted sucks. While we’re learning to move on from the constant reality of being ghosted by men that we took a chance with, it doesn’t change the fact that being ghosted by someone is truly a crappy feeling.
  7. It’s our single party, and we’ll cry if we want to. Complaining about being single is just what we have to do sometimes. Letting our frustrations out is the first step to re-evaluating ourselves so that we can make better decisions for the future. It’s just like when couples fight; sometimes you have to let out the bad in order to get to a better and happier place. It’s just a part of the journey.
  8. Modern dating is a whole new ball game. For those that haven’t been exposed to the disaster that is modern dating, it’s harder to understand that it really has changed and it’s much harder these days to find love. So instead of comparing our current state to your past, please keep that in mind. You aren’t living the same realities we are on a day to basis.
  9. Sometimes we all get a little bitter in order to get better. As much as being single sucks sometimes, and as much as we sometimes complain about it, we know it’ll get better. On the inside, we’re eternally hopeful and still believe our time will come, but in order to get there, we just need to ride out what we’re feeling in the moments as they come. We can’t be strong 100 percent of the time. Please bear with us.
  10. Modern single women have learned to be some of the strongest in the pack. At the end of the day, we’re probably complaining because we’ve been strong for too long and sometimes, we all just need the right to our emotions. We’re not constantly complaining, but sometimes, single can be a hard place to be, just like every and any life situation. It’s not always perfect but we somehow do always end up coming back to the positive sides of it, so just let us vent from time to time.