10 Choices That Will Come Back To Haunt You 10 Years From Now

10 Choices That Will Come Back To Haunt You 10 Years From Now

It’s not a newsflash to say that the choices you make today will have an impact on your life in the future. You know this stuff. But, let’s be real: sometimes it’s hard to know what types of choices you’ll live to regret and which ones are NBD, right? Well, here are 10 life choices that will come back and haunt you 10 years from now. Try to avoid making them so your future self will thank you.

1. You’re Waiting For The Perfect Moment To Start.

You have dreams you want to achieve, but are you making progress on them or struggling to start? Maybe you keep telling yourself you’ll start “someday” or you’re waiting for things to line up so you can have more money/time/energy to do what you love. Realize that time goes by so much faster than you think, and you don’t want to look back on your life 10 years from now and wish you’d made a start.

2. You’re Settling For The Wrong Person.

You might be stressing about your dating milestones and fearing that if you don’t find someone to date RN, you’re not going to be able to meet your deadlines, like getting engaged, married, and having kids by certain ages. Woah, the danger of thinking in this way is that you could end up settling for the wrong person, which is something you’ll definitely regret when you’re unhappy and unsatisfied in your relationships.

3. You’re Letting Other People Set The Rules.

Look, fitting in with others can seem like a wise thing to do you. You don’t want to be alone and left out in the cold like a wolf shunned from the pack. But if you’re compromising who you are and ignoring what you want out of life so you can fit in with someone else’s life plan, you’re wasting your life and will end up regretting how you didn’t stand up and set your own rules. If you need help in that department, our sister site, Sweetn, can help. Their advice on love and relationships is life-changing. Check them out here.

4. You’re Saying “Yes” All The Time.

Although you might think saying “no” to opportunities is bad and prevents you from reaching your full potential, it’s just as bad to say “yes” to everything. You could end up being a people-pleasing doormat with no boundaries or self-respect. You could say “yes” to things that aren’t right for you or conflict with your values, which could give you more unhappiness. You don’t need that!

5. You’re Ditching Friends For A Relationship.

It’s easy to get caught up in a relationship to the point where you cut out your friends. Bad move! You might not think it’s a bad move because you assume that your friends will always be there for you, but they could move on and forget about you. This is something you’ll regret, whether your relationship succeeds or not. Real friends are irreplaceable.

6. You’re Freaking Out Too Much About The Future.

It’s normal to worry about the future – there’s so much that can break your zen, from the news stories about war and climate change to economic stress. Enough’s enough! The thing is, worrying about tomorrow can only take you so far. There’s only so much you can do RN to help your future self out. So try to relax and focus on today. The future isn’t set in stone and it can change, so why stress so much?

7. You’re Treating Your Body Like An Enemy.

Too many of us are hard on our bodies. Maybe you’re guilty of hurting yourself, such as by living on processed food, smoking, or binge-drinking a lot. Maybe you think you’re being healthy but you’re trashing your body, such as by overworking out at the gym or starving yourself. You’ll regret all the stress you put on your body in the future, when your risk of getting ill increases.

8. You’re Stopping Your Learning Journey.

You’re never too old to learn something new. There are always cool things you can learn to enhance your career, side hustle, or just have something awesome to your name. If you quit learning because you’ve stopped studying in a traditional sense, you’ll stop growing and regret it. Be curious about what you can learn every day and it’ll enrich your life. Oh, and if you want to go back to study a course or degree, now’s the time! Don’t waste time thinking you’re too old – that’s BS.

9. You’re Obsessing About Your Weight.

It’s easy to get caught up in thinking you have to look a certain way and the scale has to read a certain number for you to feel worthy. This is total BS and a waste of your time, just like counting calories and thinking you have to be a size zero. Enough with this! It’s time to love your body. You’ll definitely regret worrying so much about your weight in future – come on, you’re worth so much more.

10. You’re Not Spending Time With Loved Ones.

It sounds lame, but you should spend more time with your loved ones when you have them. It’s easy to think they’ll be around forever, but the harsh reality is that they won’t. They could be gone in the blink of an eye, so appreciate people when you have them right now and do your best to tell them how much you love them so you have zero regrets.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.