10 Good Habits That Make A Guy Worth Dating

You’ll come across a few jerks in the dating scene, but eventually you’ll find an amazing guy that makes all the hard times you’ve been through worth it (at least you hope so). If you’ve managed to find Mr. Right already or just need to know how to recognize one when he finally shows up, these traits will probably give him away:

  1. He keeps in contact with you.He won’t leave you hanging and wondering when or if he’s going to text you next. He keeps in constant contact with you. This doesn’t mean he’s texting you non-stop all day, but he’ll touch base with you routinely just to see how your day is going because he genuinely cares.
  2. He asks you out and plans real dates. A solid man is one who properly makes plans. He doesn’t suggest just “hanging out” at his place; he asks you out to do real things in real life, like dinner or a movie — basically anything that involves making genuine effort to present himself as a thoughtful person.
  3. He actually calls you on the phone.As much as we hate phone calls, the ones you get from the guy you’re dating is actually cute as hell. Phone calls are a vintage dating art that good men recognize as being something that will make them stand out from the crowd.
  4. He’s polite to you and the wait staff.Not only is he chivalrous enough to open doors for yo and offers to take off your coat, but he’s also very polite to the wait staff and people in general when you’re out in public. He doesn’t complain or act rude in front of you; he’s a gentleman.
  5. He walks you to your car or front door.A good man is going to make sure that you’ve gotten in your front door or in your car safely. This isn’t just a basic act of chivalry; it’s also a basic act of humanity. He cares about your well-being as much as a proper goodbye.
  6. He compliments you.A good man gives kind and sincere compliments. He’ll say your dress is nice, or that your hair looks great. Even better, he tells you you’re beautiful and you can tell he truly means it.
  7. He asks questions about your as much as he tells you about his own.A conversation with a man who has good dating habits will flow consistently. He’ll ask you questions about yourself and tell you about his own life. It’s not all about him, and it’s not all about you. It’s about the two of you, together, getting to know each other properly.
  8. He respects your boundaries.A good man won’t make you feel pressured into sex or becoming intimate before you’re ready. He knows and respects the connection you’re building, and who you are as a person is more valuable than just trying to get into your pants. If you’re ready very early on, he won’t judge you for that, either.
  9. He has genuine intentions.He makes it clear that he’s looking for something real. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a sure thing with you, it means that he’s being honest about what he wants and is conducting himself accordingly. He dates you because he genuinely wants a beginning story that is sincere, polite and meaningful. Who knows? It could be the start of forever.
  10. He doesn’t leave you wondering.When you date a good man, he won’t leave you wondering where you stand — it’ll be totally obvious. Dating a good guy changes you, because even if it doesn’t work out, he ends it respectfully, too. He’s honest, sincere and the kind of guy you want to make or see happy. Even if he’s not the one for you, he reminds you that good men are out there.