10 Guys You Do NOT Want to See on Tinder

10 Guys You Do NOT Want to See on Tinder

The world of online dating is a scary place, and Tinder has made it a whole lot scarier by making it possible to meet just about anyone online. Guys are now putting in less effort — spending no money and no time creating a profile — and expecting much, much more. It wasn’t coined the hookup app for nothing! Besides the hundreds of guys you have to swipe left on before you get that one worthy swipe right, here are the 10 guys you don’t ever want to see on Tinder:

  1. Your boss. The same one that has an almost life sized picture of his pregnant wife hanging in his office that always asks way too many questions about your dating life. And you thought he was just being friendly…
  2. Your dad.As scarring as this would be (especially if your mom is still in the picture), you need to take some responsibility for this situation and change your acceptable age range — immediately.
  3. The little boy you used to babysit. So you freaked out when you saw your dad and lowered your age range, but it appears you have gone too far.
  4. Your friend’s boyfriend or husband.How do you break the news to her that while you were looking for your Mr. Right, you found hers?
  5. The guy that has a crush on you.You told him you were taking a break from men for a little while so you wouldn’t hurt his feelings. Oops!
  6. The last guy you went out with from Tinder. When he didn’t look like the 12 year old pictures he posted, you unmatched him. The jokes on you… He’s back!
  7. The bartender from “your bar.”Sure, you’ve always thought he was hot but you told yourself your bartender days were over. Now you know if you go in there all bets are off.
  8. Your ex.Besides the fact that just seeing his picture makes you cringe, you can’t help feeling sorry for all those poor girls out there who don’t yet know what you know.
  9. Your best friend.You don’t want to hit the x because he wouldn’t be your bestie if he weren’t cute but if you hit the heart, will he think you’re in love with him? Are you in love with him? Does he heart you? You can always play it safe and close the app before having to make a choice, but then you may never know if you’re truly meant to be.

The man you will marry… Unless you two can come up with a great cover story of where you “really” met.

Rachael is an award winning stand-up comedienne, freelance writer, and BravoTV superfan. Her Real Housewives tagline is β€œThe only thing bigger than my boobs are my personalities.” In her spare time, she keeps busy catering to the needs of a very spoiled Siberian Husky, (Paris Hilton), cleaning the skeletons out of her closet (to make room for more shoes), and swiping left to everyone on Tinder. Follow her on twitter @therealplandd.