10 Habits Of Women Who Run The World

Some women seem to have been born knowing the secrets of success. Don’t worry if that’s not you. The truth is, we’re all capable of crafting kickass, successful lives. The secret is simple — it’s all about forming good habits. Here are 10 habits of badass women who run the world that you can develop, too. Pick one, start today, and become a badass.

  1. They critically assesses their thoughts, accomplishments and failures. The F word is a good thing — it means you’ve tried something new and have vast pools of information to learn from. Being able to take a look at your accomplishments and your failures in a clear-headed, positive way is the heart of self-improvement. Being mindful and caring about how your mind works will mean you’re always growing and evolving.
  2. They hold themselves accountable for their mistakes. Reactionary defensiveness is an ugly habit — shake it immediately. If you’re getting called out, do everything to resist your natural instincts. Instead of closing up and getting ready to fight, relax your thoughts and listen to why you’re getting called out. It’s OK to be the bad guy, so long as you’re listening and ready to change.
  3. They always walk away when necessary. Putting yourself first isn’t selfish — it’s vital. Being able to make fair judgments on when a situation or person isn’t healthy for you either mentally or emotionally is something that many of us are capable of. The next step? Not so much. When you’ve done all you can to fix a situation with no improvement, take the hard path and walk away — this habit will transform your life.
  4. They date themselves. If you can’t go out into the world and explore without a chaperon (whether that’s a lover or a friend), you need to analyze why. This habit is easy to develop — take yourself out to dinner, to the movies, to the theatre, to a gallery or a concert. Allow yourself time with your own thoughts and opinions. Set up a regular standing date with the only person whose happiness you’re responsible for — you.
  5. They don’t wait for guys to call. We can all easily slip into the same old cycle with men. We meet, there are butterflies, we exchange numbers, and we’re on tenterhooks waiting for our phones to buzz. It’s exciting at the beginning, but when it comes to love, games are for kids. Letting attention from a man upturn your routine while you wait by the phone is destructive (and let’s face it, unattractive). If you want to talk to him, talk to him. If you don’t, don’t. Get in the habit of being upfront about what you do or don’t want, and let him fall in line if he wants you.
  6. They pay their taxes on time. Trust me, this one’s important. Getting in a routine and getting on top of life’s boring stuff puts in you in control and gives you confidence. Knowing that you can handle your business and don’t need anyone to step up and dig you out of a tricky situation is powerful.
  7. They know when and how to ask for help. We’ve been raised with a polarized view of what it means to be strong. We tend to associate strength with people who struggle through without shedding a tear. In reality, true strength lies in knowing when you’re weak, vulnerable, and in need of a helping hand. There is nothing more powerful and badass than accepting help with grace, gratitude and humility.
  8. They’re usually the first to reach out. While you’re not responsible for anyone else’s happiness, you are part of the wider universe and are an important, integral member of society. Knowing your power and regularly practicing the art of giving help to others is a healthy, fulfilling and valuable habit to develop.
  9. They take stock of their lives every day. Knowing what you have, how you got it and being grateful for it gives you a higher perspective. Practising gratitude on a daily basis shows you how much of what you have is dependent on a delicate combination of personal determination and lucky circumstance. Taking stock lets you take control.
  10. They cultivate and nurture their families. Whether your family is made up of those you’re related to by blood and memories or if your family consists of those you’ve hand chosen to include in your life, dedicating time to them is vital. We tend to focus on making ourselves happy — and there’s nothing wrong with that – but the people we value can fall to the wayside. Prove that you know the value of family by dedicating time to nurture, grow and develop these relationships. You need someone there to lament the lows and celebrate the highs with. This is the stuff of life.