Life is an adventure, and it’s important to find the right partner in crime to share it with. After all, if you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space. There are so many good reasons to date a woman who lives on the edge; these are just a few of them.
- We’re always down for adventurous dates. You won’t have to stick to the same old boring dinner and movie routine all the time with us. We’ll also be down for riding four wheelers on the beach, whitewater rafting, snow tubing, the shooting range, etc.
- You’ll never get bored. Because we like to mix it up and live life to the fullest, you’ll never be bored in our company.
- You won’t get stuck doing dull stereotypical girl stuff all the time. Don’t worry about us signing up for couples’ knitting classes or anything lame like that; we don’t want to go either.
- We’re really funny and entertaining. The type of woman who lives on the edge is also the type who has a seriously awesome sense of humor. We’re witty, sarcastic, and not afraid to tell it how it is.
- We’re adventurous in bed too. We won’t insist on turning the lights off or get mad at you for getting a little rough (actually, we’ll probably enjoy it if you do). If you want to have the best sex of your life, date a woman who lives on the edge.
- We hate drama and won’t perpetrate it. Women who live on the edge are too busy making the most of each day to worry about unnecessary drama. If you also hate drama, ditch the drama queens and join us.
- We’re strong, so we don’t need you; we’ll only keep you around if we want to. You won’t have to worry about us keeping you around in order to use you for your money or ability to smash spiders; we can take care of ourselves. If we’re keeping you around, it means that we legitimately like you.
- We don’t require fancy gifts; we appreciate the small things. We’re used to being dismissed by men in favor of the divas of the world, so we’ll be impressed if you just treat us right and pay attention to us. Send the cute good morning texts and offer us the last slice of pizza; those are awesome romantic gestures sure to impress us.
- We have a lot of love to give. Because so many men are either intimidated or turned off by strong adventurous women, our love tends to lie dormant waiting for someone to unlock it. When you do, you’ll be amazed.
- We’ll be your best friend too. The best kind of girlfriend is the one who’s also your best friend, because that combination is what creates the perfect life partner.