10 Simple But Significant Ways To Improve Your Everyday Life

10 Simple But Significant Ways To Improve Your Everyday Life

While you might think changing your life requires making major moves, that’s not actually the case. There are many things you can do every day that will not only improve your quality of life but make you feel calmer, happier, and more fulfilled. It takes a little effort but it will be well worth it. Here are a few tips to get you started.

  1. Conquer clutter. Got a pile of books or magazines lying on the coffee table? Start there by organizing and putting them away. Dirty clothes in the bathroom? Collect them in the hamper and put it in the laundry room. Clearing your home of clutter instantly makes it feel better. Plus, you won’t be distracted by the mess anymore. Your living space reflects your mental space, after all.
  2. Practice gratitude. Write down five to 10 things you’re thankful for. These things could be big or small, it doesn’t matter. This is especially good to do on bad days. You’ll be reminded of all the good things in your life, even if it’s hard to think of any at that moment. Take it a step further by texting or calling people on that list to let them know how happy you are to have them in your life.
  3. Do something you enjoy. Make another list of activities you enjoy doing. Maybe it’s going to the beach or reading at the library. After you’re done, pick one of them to do that day, then another one on your next available day. It’ll serve as a break from the mundane or when life feels too chaotic. To make it more fun, close your eyes and randomly circle an option then do it.
  4. Read a book. Not an avid reader? That’s okay! You don’t need to tackle a 400-page novel in a matter of days. Choose a book that interests you, first. Then, every day, read a couple of pages. Make a promise to yourself to do so no matter what, even if it means reading while in the bathroom. Before you know it, you’ll build a healthy reading habit.
  5. Work out your sleep schedule. Don’t rely on your phone or a dozen alarms to wake you up. You can do either one of two ways. You can rely on your body’s circadian rhythm, which reacts naturally to light and dark (meaning you’ll feel sleepy when it’s nighttime and awake when it’s daylight), instead of a clock. Or, because of jobs or kids or pets, set your alarm a minute earlier. Get up as soon as it goes off, open the curtains, and do some light stretching. Leave your phone on the nightstand while doing so.
  6. Buy what you need. Save money by creating a fun challenge for yourself. Try this for a week or two if a month sounds too difficult. When you go to the supermarket or to the mall, ask yourself if you really need it (other than basic survival needs). And no answers like, “I need it because it’s cute.” If it’s not going to improve your life in a significant way, leave it. Put that saved money toward paying down debt or starting a savings account.
  7. Bring a notebook everywhere. We make so many observations a day that most of that information just clogs our minds. Take a notebook whenever you step outside the house and record what you see, hear, think, or feel. Review what you’ve written to find out its importance. Make categories such as “to-do items” or “things to try.” Writing this stuff down keeps it from taking up valuable space in your brain.
  8. Identify priorities. Take some time to think about what you dedicate your time to. From there, put it all into two categories: low-priority and high-priority. For activities in the former category, decide if they waste time. If they do, nix them and dedicate that free time to the high-priority category items. For example, let’s say you watch too many hours of TV. Cut down on that amount and spend the time you would be staring at a screen to work on your side hustle.
  9. Review your weeks. Had a bad week? Think of all the reasons why and write them down. This will help you identify what you can change for the following week. The more you feel in control, the better the upcoming days will go. You can control how you react, how your behavior is, and how you can resolve tough issues.
  10. Develop a consistent and relaxing nighttime routine. Your eyes and brain could use a break from screens when the sun goes down. Instead of using your phone to relax at night, trade it in for a book or magazine. When you’re laying in bed, put your phone anywhere but your nightstand. Also, turn off any other electronics like TVs. For consistency, go to bed around the same time every night. Take some time to wind down first. All of these things will seriously improve your life.
Storyteller--I put my thoughts and imagination on virtual paper.