10 Things I’d Rather Do While Everyone Else Is Getting Married And Having Kids

10 Things I’d Rather Do While Everyone Else Is Getting Married And Having Kids

Being single is great. Being able to make my own decisions, do whatever I want, and find out who I am is something I can only do when I don’t have a ton of responsibilities — and yes, kids and husbands are responsibilities. I’m glad to be without both of those things right now because it means I get to do these 10 awesome things:

  1. Get out and see the world As much as I’d like to take a private plane to Cuba for a vacation, I can’t because I’m not a Kardashian. Still, that doesn’t mean I can’t travel. I can explore the state I live in, go on road trips to non-expensive places or save my money and buy a ticket to Europe and backpack my way through London. For me, it’s not solely about the destination. It’s about immersing myself somewhere, anywhere, to learn more about who I am.
  2. Build A Bomb Ass Career I think the best time to kick-start your career is when you’re unencumbered by serious, life-changing responsibilities. While everyone else is planning their wedding or decorating their nurseries, I’d rather focus on my passions, quit the mundane job I have now and fully commit to doing what I love! When else am I going to have this kind of freedom without any consequences?
  3. Save Some Cash For My Future Instead of creating a savings account for my child’s education, I can create a savings account for that trip to Europe I want to take or for the new car I’ve been dying to buy. Maybe I’ll even get a house or start saving for my retirement. Just think, if I start saving $20 a month now, I’ll be ROLLING by the time I’m in my late 50s.
  4. Spend Money On Frivolous Things At the same time, I can be totally carefree with my money right now. I can save some of it and spend the rest on Michael Kors bags, expensive AF lattes, and organic oatmeal facial masks that’ll make my skin feel like a baby’s bottom. Don’t judge me. It’s not like I need to hold onto my dollars in case my husband and I want to remodel the kitchen or our baby needs a new stroller. I can make it rain.
  5. Do Absolutely Nothing & Not Feel Bad About It Unlike most mothers, I can sleep in until 2 p.m. on a Saturday, guilt-free. I can watch Netflix all day if I want or I can just sit on my couch in the dark and do nothing but scroll through Instagram all damn day. #Blessed
  6. Change My Mind I want to be able to change my mind whenever I want to and I couldn’t do that with a family. If I’m not feeling my job, I want to be able to up and quit, or maybe even pack my things up and move out of the city altogether. If I had a husband or kids, I’d have to make sure I provided them with some amount of stability and consistency.
  7. Invest My Time In Getting Super In Shape Having a family means you have to be more cautious with your money. When you’re single, you can spend your money on whatever you want, which means I can pay for a gym membership at one of those fancy facilities with a sauna and a cafeteria. I can get a personal trainer, go on hikes every Sunday morning, or even hit up daily Pilates classes. Moral of the story: I can have a summer body even when it’s not summer!
  8. Go On Actual Dates I’d rather date than be married right now. Just my opinion, but I think it’s hard to know exactly what you want until you’ve experienced your fair share of good guys and absolute jerk. I want to go out, date a plethora of guys, have one-night stands, and experience dates that only result in hilarious stories.
  9. Do Something Reckless Being single means I don’t have to worry about doing something someone else wouldn’t approve of. I can do whatever I want without feeling guilty or ashamed of my actions. Um, yes! I can get a tattoo of a bird on my neck, skydive, bungee jump, go on a girls’ trip to Vegas and strip on the blackjack table for no apparent reason… you get the picture. I’m not saying I want to do those things, but it’s nice to have the option.
  10. Figure Out Exactly Who I Am I know myself and I can get easily wrapped up in a relationship, which is why I’d rather figure out who I am before starting a serious commitment. Couples change and grow while they’re together, but I’d like to change and grow by myself first, just to make sure I like who I am before I get married and have kids. I don’t want to wake up in 20 years completely unhappy with the person I’ve turned into all because I didn’t give myself enough time to figure things out.
Jordan White is a writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona with more than 8 years of experience. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in 2015 and while there, she wrote for The Daily Wildcat. She has since written for sites including FanBread, and, of course, Bolde. You can find about more her on Facebook. She has a passion for giving her audience something to laugh about and despises the heat more than anything.