10 Things To Never Be Lazy About In A New Relationship

10 Things To Never Be Lazy About In A New Relationship

So you’re finally in a new relationship and everything is super amazing and magical. You’re done with crappy dates, ghosting, and guys who just don’t get it. You put in the effort and landed an awesome boyfriend — but the work doesn’t end here. You still have to try if you don’t want to go through yet another breakup. If you’re in a new relationship, you should never be lazy about these 10 things, or you’re asking for disaster:

  1. Planning dates. Of course you want to Netflix and chill (without the subtext), but if you stop going on actual dates, soon all you’ll be doing with your guy is watching TV, and that’s not a relationship. Put the effort in now so you’ll still be having fun later.
  2. Talking about stuff of substance. Even if the two of you got together because of a shared interest or you work at the same office, that doesn’t mean you can’t just talk about the same things all the time. Stop having such lazy convos and start discussing real issues (like the upcoming election if that’s what you’re into). Having actual conversations will strengthen your bond.
  3. Meeting each other’s fams. You don’t want to mention meeting his parents because you’re terrified he’s going to freak out. Stop being so lame and insist on getting to know his family. If he balks, that’s a pretty obvious sign that he’s not the one for you.
  4. Getting to know his past. He lived an entire life before he met you, and you owe it to yourself and the relationship you’re building to get to know that person, too. You might find out something truly scary (just the truth) but who knows, you could learn that he’s the most amazing guy you’ve ever come across. Let’s hope for the latter.
  5. Focusing on the little things. His favorite pizza toppings, brand of beer, TV show — whatever. Taking an interest in what he’s into is what being in a couple is all about (of course, this goes both ways).
  6. Being romantic in your own way. It’s kind of weird if you give your boyfriend red roses on a regular basis, but hey, to each their own. If you can figure out your own version of romance, instead of settling for text messages and emojis, you’re looking at a pretty good chance at happily ever after.
  7. Developing your couple routine. Do you meet him after work on Friday and try a new restaurant? Go to horror movies once a week? You should never get super lazy about figuring out how you two spend time together. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
  8. Asking how his day was. It’s a small thing, but it adds up. If you stop showing interest in your boyfriend’s work day, why are you even with him? You want to tell him about your own crazy busy 9-to-5, don’t you? Even if his job bores you to tears, which is totally possible, you still need to make an effort. If his job is really dull, just remember how much ghosting sucks and you’ll be okay.
Aya Tsintziras is a freelance lifestyle writer and editor from Toronto, Canada. In addition to writing about dating and relationships for Bolde, she also writes about movies, TV, and video games for ScreenRant and GameRant. She has a Political Science degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Journalism from Ryerson University. You can find her on Twitter @ayatsintziras and on Instagram @aya.tsintziras.