10-Year-Old’s Christmas List Has Her Dad In Fits Of Laughter

10-Year-Old’s Christmas List Has Her Dad In Fits Of Laughter

When you wrote your Christmas list for Santa as a kid, chances are you probably included things like rollerblades, a new bike, maybe some Barbies or trucks or whatever you were into. However, things have changed, and these days kids want things that are a little bit fancier, as evidenced by this funny list posted by a dad on Twitter.

  1. This kid is BOLD. Twitter user A_Johnson412 shared his 10-year-old daughter’s Christmas list with his followers last week, saying that “she must be out of her mind” considering she asked for pretty much everything under the sun. WTF?
  2. She wants thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of stuff. In addition to asking for new AirPods, a new iPhone 11, and a new MacBook Air, she also wants Gucci slides (“Guci slided”), a Chanel purse (or “purs,” as she wrote), and some Pink Pumas.
  3. Not everything is high end, of course. There are also some things on the girl’s list that are a little more on par with what you’d expect from a 10-year-old, like an American Doll car, some LOL Dolls and accessories, and some clothes and shoes. She also wants an alarm clock and new sheets, which makes me feel like she’s a college freshman in disguise.
  4. Finally, the icing on top: she wants cold hard cash. The little girl put $4,000 on her list, which makes you wonder what she has in mind for the money. It’s such a specific amount and she’s already asked for so many high priced items, so what does she need $4,000 for? Inquiring minds would love to know.
  5. She’s gonna need that alarm clock. As one user commented, the dad needs to get his daughter that alarm clock so she can set it to wake up from the dream world she’s living in, in which she thinks she’s getting $4,000 and tons of luxury goods as a 10-year-old, haha!
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