You’ve made it through another trying, exhausting work week and all you want to do is down some martinis, dance Friday and Saturday nights away, and maybe get a hungover brunch on Sunday morning. But should you? Here are some signs that staying in might be the better option (though brunch is always a good idea).
- You’re broke. Credit cards are really easy to use for Uber rides and bar tabs, but if your cash flow has been a little spotty, maybe throwing down a hundred bucks at an average bar isn’t the best idea. Think of all the money you’ll save drinking some bargain wine on the couch.
- Your place is a mess. No one can blame you for not having time to do the dishes and clean up during that whirlwind week of yours, but isn’t that what the weekends are for -doing non-week type stuff? Carve out a couple hours to make your place look spotless and notice how good it feels.
- There’s nothing specific going on. OMG, it’s like the first weekend in forever that someone you know hasn’t been having a birthday party or engagement extravaganza. If there was ever going to be a time to catch up on sleep, this might be it.
- Your Mondays have been a little rough. Yeah so Mondays just uniformly suck across the board, but they’re particularly awful when they’re accompanied by a Sunday funday hangover. Impossible, really. Maybe it’s time for a fresh start.
- You’re getting a reputation. Everyone at work knows that you’re a super regular at the local haunt and your drink of choice is Merlot. (Thanks, Instagram!) Not necessarily damaging, but you’re also so much more than just a weekend warrior.
- You have work to do. The horror. If you have real work to get done over the weekend, it’s going to be much easier to focus if you can get to sleep before 2 AM on Friday night.
- You’re still recovering from a really bad drunk text. Okay, one drunk text isn’t going to end the world (probably), but getting drunk again and sending another drunk text as an attempt to clean up the drunk text you sent the first time might.
- You could work on your fitness. Who has time to work out with all the brunching to do over the weekend? If you’ve been neglecting your fitness resolutions or your favorite pants are feeling a little snug, maybe it’s time to point a weekend in the direction of juicing and spin class. Think of all the calories you’ll save skipping those mimosas and French fries you’ll end up eating, even though you said you wouldn’t.
- You lost your purse last weekend. The odds of drunkenly losing stuff two weekends in a row aren’t great but do you really want to tempt the gods? Don’t take your passport out as ID since your sans drivers license, maybe wait a quick minute until you get all your paperwork and house keys in order.
- You want to change your life direction. Making a change doesn’t mean that you need to skip the fun times, but sometimes it helps to take a step back and get a little quiet and introspective. We spend so much time moving from thing to thing that it’s easy to lose track of the direction we’re actually headed. Recalibrate.
- You’re neglecting your Netflix queue. Come on, you have to keep up with your pop culture a little bit – otherwise, what are you going to talk about on your date this week? Invest in some quality TV time and you’ll suddenly understand so many more of the memes your friends have been posting on Facebook.