Another day, another dating app. It seems like there’s truly something for everybody, whether you’re a farmer (Farmers Only), slightly famous (Raya), or fancy (The League). No matter what you’re into, there’s an app to help you find it. Still, there are some dating apps that don’t exist yet, but definitely should ASAP. As app dating becomes more prevalent, it gets harder to meet someone IRL. That’s why these super specific dating apps need to become a reality, stat.
- Netflix and chill. This would tell you what Netflix show to watch. It wouldn’t suggest a cool drama that you pretend to watch already, but instead the cheesiest possible option. It would match you up accordingly with someone on a similarly bad binge.
- Let’s Meet Up RN. Sometimes you’re at a bar, concert, or museum and every single guy looks dateable. It’s the best possible place for a meet-cute, but it’s too loud, you’re with your friends, or one of the other million reasons that no one is actually mixing and mingling. This app would show you exactly who’s on the premises, match you up, and force them to approach you — like happn, only in real time.
- Spotify+Sex. If you’ve ever gone on a promising date, only to find out your guy is into the worst music of all time, this could be an in advance time saver. There’s nothing like liking the same music as your boo, especially if he’s just as into it as you are. This app would look at your playlists and match you up. And again, not the playlists you pretend to listen to — your guiltiest pleasures that you play on repeat.
- Canoodle. Called “Noodle” for short, this app will let you match up your friends with potential gentleman callers. How many times have you been swiping away, only to find the perfect guy… for a friend? This would let you swipe them their way. The update will let you swipe on the cute guy in a dude’s picture with his friends.
- Hunks by Hunks. In this app, a hunky man would deliver a hunk of cheese to your house. For a little bit extra, you could get all the pairings. It’s a mix of Seamless, Tinder, and Heaven.
- OKCupid – Shirtless Selfies. OKCupid can seem entirely hopeless, but it has a few things going for it — it’s free and some dudes on it are actually looking for a real life relationship, as opposed to a single evening out. Unfortunately, there are too many shirtless mirror selfies to sort through to find the love of your life.
- Lulu-ing Love. This app would be the ideal mix of Lulu, where you rate dudes based on how douche-y they are, and Tinder. You would swipe on someone knowing exactly what was wrong, and right, with them.
- Mother Approved. While most apps are based on your physical location at the time, this one would allow both you and your mother to login and swipe away.
- Make My Ex Jealous. Sometimes you’re not looking for a long-term boyfriend, you’re just looking for someone for a quick event. This would let you rent-a-dude for an event, whether it’s a holiday party you know your ex will be at, Thanksgiving dinner when your parents start questioning your marital status, or simply for a quick Instagram post to celebrate #MCM.
- Handyboyf. This helpful combination of Handybook and Tinder would send a guy straight to your doorway when you need a boyfriend most. He’d be adorable, able to open any jar, and a serious bug killer.
- Find A Dinner Date. You have an awkward amount of time to kill after work and before you meet your friends for drinks. This will match you with a nearby dude who’s also looking for a dinner partner.
- Get The Dog, Not The Guy. How many times have you been swiping through Tinder and you wish you could swipe right on the pup, but left on the dude? This would bring the adorable creature to your doorway, without his less cute owner.