12 Things Basic Girls Look Forward To In The Fall

12 Things Basic Girls Look Forward To In The Fall

There’s a lot of things that us basic girls look forward to in life, and fall is one of them. As much as we love the summer and are sad to say goodbye to the sun, the waves and the tan-lines, we can’t wait for autumn to roll around, especially since we have these 12 things to look forward to:

  1. The outfits. Sweaters, leggings and boots — oh my! Not only are these styles some of the cutest when the weather finally cools down, they’re undoubtedly the most comfortable as well. There’s nothing like a great pair of boots that we can rock all season long with colored sweater tunics and patterned leggings. Let the shopping begin.
  2. Halloween costumes. Any excuse to dress up is one we embrace and this is the best one of all. We start thinking about our costumes in August because let’s be honest, dressing up as a sexy something-or-other  is one of our favorite activities. And what better time than Halloween, when it’s actually acceptable?
  3. The “holiday season” in general. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. The holidays just make everything better and more cheerful. It’s a time where everyone’s just happier and looking forward to celebrations, and we basic girls eat that stuff up. Food, family, drinks and presents — what could be better?
  4. Not spending as much time on grooming. Not only is fall when the air gets that glorious crispness to it, but it’s also the season that marks the slowdown of constant grooming. Cold weather means pants and sweaters — there’s no need to keep those legs in tip-top shape since they won’t be seen anyway. Scarves, sweatpants and messy buns are totally acceptable and look just as cute. Bring on the casual vibes.
  5. More excuses to cuddle. Basic girls just love to cuddle and we look forward to it as soon as the weather changes. It makes us feel happy, warm and content. Instead of going to the club in a mini skirt and heels, we’d much rather bum it at home in sweats and slippers. Let’s just cuddle and watch movies.
  6. Football season. Even if we don’t actually like or understand football, we appreciate the concept of it. Football games, tailgate parties and cute jerseys are what we’re into. We’ll cheer for the teams, pretend like we actually care and then forget what the score is when you ask us — but we’re always down for a beer and some nachos.
  7. Instagram photos of leaves and trees. Does this filter look better or does THIS one? Fall means leaves changing colors and creating beautiful sceneries that don’t exist unless we put them on Instagram. All basic girls’ pages will be filled of all the fall foliage possible because it’s just what we do. Like I said, we have to document it or it didn’t happen.
  8. The return of our favorite TV shows. Now we actually have something to do after work or at night when we’re bored. Fall means all our favorite TV shows are back on, so we get to binge watch Pretty Little Liars, Scandal, Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy. If you need us, we’ll be on the couch.
  9. Fall scented candles. Mmmmmm candles! Fall has the best scents and we love to light these candles all over the house. It makes us feel festive and smelling the scents of the season contributes to our overall fall experience. Where there’s a candle sale, we’ll be there.
  10. Seasonal lotions. Bed, Bath & and Beyond is our go-to for good-smelling stuff. Once fall arrives, it’s time to indulge in all the scented lotions and body sprays. We’re always reliable for a quick pick-me-up or some scented Purell conveniently located in our purses. Candy apples, pumpkin pecan waffle and toasted marshmallow — what do you prefer?
  11. Fires and s’mores. Speaking of marshmallows, fall weather means perfect timing for bonfires — and wherever there’s a bonfire, there’s a basic girl toasting a marshmallow around it. It’s just a seasonal tradition and something we look forward to every year. Who doesn’t look forward to endless chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers?
  12. Pumpkin EVERYTHING. We can’t forget our love of pumpkins. Pumpkin spiced lattes, pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin vodka, pumpkin whipped cream, etc. If it’s pumpkin flavored, pumpkin scented and pumpkin themed, we want it. Prepare yourself fall, because us basic girls are ready.
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