14 Red Flags That Someone Is A Woman Hater (And Will Never Change)

14 Red Flags That Someone Is A Woman Hater (And Will Never Change)

Some men may try to hide it, but if you pay close attention, the signs are always there. A man who fundamentally dislikes women does not have to say it outright—his words, actions, and attitudes will make it obvious. Whether it is the way he talks about women, interacts with them, or reacts when challenged, the red flags are impossible to ignore. The worst part is that these men rarely change. No amount of patience, logic, or reasoning will undo years of ingrained bias. Here are the biggest warning signs that someone is a woman hater, and why waiting for them to grow out of it is a waste of time.

1. They Throw Around Hurtful Stereotypes Like It’s Nothing

A man who casually repeats outdated stereotypes about women is not just clueless—he is telling you exactly how he sees the world. Whether it is the belief that women are bad drivers, too emotional to lead, or incapable of handling money, these statements reveal a deep-rooted bias that is not going anywhere. They may say it as a joke or insist it is just an “observation,” but their words show what they actually think. The Pace Press says that casually invoking stereotypes reveals entrenched biases. These tropes restrict women’s roles to caregivers or emotional liabilities, undermining their authority in professional and personal settings

What makes this even worse is how unwilling they are to listen when called out. Instead of considering that they might be wrong, they double down. They might roll their eyes, say people are too sensitive, or insist that women themselves prove these stereotypes true. This is not just ignorance—it is arrogance. They do not want to see women as complex, capable people. They prefer to fit them into neat little boxes that justify their own biases, and they will resist any attempt to challenge that worldview.

2. They Try To Pit Women Against Each Other

One of the biggest red flags of a woman hater is that he loves to create division. He will make comments comparing one woman to another, saying things like, “You are not like other girls,” or “She is not as smart as you.” On the surface, it might seem like a compliment, but it is actually a manipulation tactic. He wants women to compete for his approval instead of recognizing their shared experiences.

Men like this thrive on conflict. They enjoy stirring the pot, knowing that insecurity and rivalry keep women distracted. If he can get women to see each other as competition, they are less likely to notice that *he* is the problem. These men do not want women to be supportive of one another because a united front threatens their ability to control the narrative.

3. They Diminish Women’s Emotions And Experiences

The moment a serious issue affecting women is brought up, he cannot help but argue the other side. It does not matter what the topic is—if a woman expresses frustration or shares an experience, he will immediately jump in with, “Well, to be fair…” or “Have you ever thought about it from the other perspective?” It is never about balance or critical thinking. It is about diminishing women’s experiences and shifting the conversation away from their reality. HealthyPlace highlights that men who struggle to respect women frequently exhibit emotional unavailability, blame partners for failures, or sabotage connections through dismissive behavior.

These men are not interested in learning or having meaningful discussions. They just want to undermine women’s voices by making every conversation into a debate. The worst part is that they often disguise this as intelligence or neutrality, claiming they are just trying to be objective. In reality, they are just defending the status quo and making sure that women’s issues are never taken seriously.

4. They Can Never Apologize To The Women In Their Life

Angry young couple sulking on each other during quarrel at home

A man who refuses to apologize to women is showing exactly how little respect he has for them. It is not that he never makes mistakes—he does, often. But instead of owning up to them, he either deflects, minimizes, or makes excuses. He will say things like, “I didn’t mean it that way,” or “You’re overreacting,” turning the situation around so that the woman feels guilty for even bringing it up. In his mind, admitting fault means they’ve made a mistake, have to show vulnerability, or worse, give a woman the upper hand, and that’s something men struggle with, according to Psychology Today.

These men will go out of their way to avoid saying a simple “I’m sorry,” even when they know they’re wrong. Instead of apologizing, they’ll try to make the woman feel unreasonable for expecting accountability. They may use sarcasm, roll their eyes, or act like she’s making a big deal out of nothing. The message is clear: her feelings don’t matter, and he refuses to take responsibility. A man like this will never change because he genuinely believes women should tolerate his behavior instead of expecting better.

5. They Diss Other Women In Conversations With Other Women

Every time a woman’s accomplishments come up, he has something dismissive to say. If a woman is successful, he’ll attribute it to luck, nepotism, or “playing the system.” If she’s intelligent, he’ll act surprised, as if it’s a rare exception. No matter what a woman achieves, he’ll find a way to belittle it, downplay it, or make sure the focus shifts back to men. And if a woman calls him out on it? He’ll pretend he was just joking or accuse her of being too sensitive.

These men can’t handle seeing women succeed because, deep down, they don’t believe women deserve to be on the same level as men. They refuse to acknowledge women’s hard work because doing so would mean admitting they’re wrong about their outdated views. They’d rather throw around backhanded compliments or change the subject than admit that a woman’s success is a result of her own talent and effort. If he consistently undermines or dismisses women’s achievements, he’s not just being cynical—he’s revealing exactly how he sees them.

6. They’re Always Comparing Men And Women

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A man who constantly turns everything into a battle of the sexes isn’t just annoying—he’s showing you where his priorities lie. Instead of treating people as individuals, he frames everything as a competition. If a woman talks about her struggles, he’ll immediately counter with how men have it worse. If a woman accomplishes something, he’ll find a way to argue that men do it better. It’s not about fairness or discussion—it’s about making sure women never feel like they’re allowed to take up space without being challenged.

This behavior is exhausting because it’s never-ending. He’ll never just let a conversation be about women’s experiences. There always has to be a “but men too” inserted somewhere, as if acknowledging women’s issues somehow erases men’s. These guys don’t care about equality; they care about making sure women never feel too confident or validated in their perspectives. A man like this isn’t looking for real conversation—he’s looking for a way to make everything about him.

7. They’re Quick To Label A Woman Speaking Up For Herself As “Aggressive” Or “Crazy”

The moment a woman stands up for herself, suddenly she’s “too emotional,” “aggressive,” or “crazy.” It doesn’t matter if she’s being perfectly reasonable—if she expresses any kind of disagreement, frustration, or confidence, he’ll twist it into a negative trait. Meanwhile, a man could say the exact same thing in the exact same tone, and he’d be seen as strong or assertive. It’s not about the woman’s behavior—it’s about the fact that he doesn’t think women should have opinions that challenge him.

This is a classic way for men to dismiss women’s concerns without actually addressing them. Instead of engaging in a real conversation, they just label the woman as irrational and move on. It’s a convenient way to avoid accountability while making the woman feel like she’s the problem. If a man consistently reacts this way when a woman speaks up, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t see women as equals—he sees them as people who should be agreeable and silent.

8. They’re Only Nice To Women They Find Attractive

man and woman flirting near gates

Some men don’t bother hiding the fact that they only respect women they’re attracted to. They’ll treat a woman like a queen if they’re interested in her, but the moment they lose attraction or realize she’s not interested, their entire demeanor changes. Suddenly, she’s invisible. They’ll talk over her, ignore her opinions, or even start insulting her as if her value disappeared the moment she stopped being a potential romantic option.

This kind of selective respect is one of the clearest signs of a woman hater. They don’t actually respect women—they respect what women can offer them. If a man can only be decent to women he finds attractive but has zero basic kindness for women he doesn’t, it’s not just bad behavior—it’s a fundamental lack of respect. These men don’t see women as full human beings, just as prizes to be won or discarded based on their own selfish interests.

9. They Call Themselves A Feminist (But Their Words And Actions Say Opposite)


At first, this might seem like a good thing, but watch closely. A man who loudly calls himself a feminist often does it for the approval, not because he actually believes in gender equality. These men love to talk about how “different” they are from other men, how much they respect women, and how they understand the struggle. But when it comes time to actually act on those beliefs, they’re nowhere to be found.

They’ll still interrupt women, dismiss their experiences, or act defensive when their own behavior is questioned. They’ll support women publicly but tear them down in private. They’ll claim they believe in equal rights, but if a woman disagrees with them, they’ll suddenly start showing the same disrespect they claim to be against. These men don’t actually support women—they just like the validation that comes with pretending they do.

10. They Bring Up Men’s Issues When Someone Talks About Women’s Issues

ex turned into jerk

There’s nothing wrong with talking about men’s issues—they exist, and they’re important. But a man who only brings them up when women’s struggles are being discussed isn’t doing it because he cares. He’s doing it to shift the focus away from women and make sure they don’t get too much attention. It’s a deliberate tactic to derail conversations and minimize women’s experiences.

Instead of listening or showing empathy, he immediately gets defensive. If a woman talks about workplace discrimination, he’ll start talking about how men have it hard too. If a woman shares a personal experience, he’ll dismiss it by pointing out something unrelated that affects men. These men don’t care about solutions—they care about making sure women never feel like their problems are worth discussing.

11. They Mansplain To Women Because They Assume They Don’t Know

Nothing says “I don’t respect women” like explaining something to them they already understand. A man who constantly talks down to women, over-explains simple concepts, or assumes they need his input is not being helpful—he’s being condescending. He doesn’t do this to men, because he assumes men are capable of understanding things on their own. But with women? He can’t help but assume they need his guidance.

It doesn’t matter if the woman in question is an expert in the subject or clearly more knowledgeable than him—he’ll still find a way to inject his unnecessary explanation. If he can’t stop himself from explaining basic concepts to women, even when they haven’t asked, it’s not because he’s well-intentioned. It’s because he genuinely believes he knows better, even when he doesn’t.

12. They Have Never Been In A Long-Term Relationship

There is a reason this person cannot maintain a serious relationship, and it is not because they are too focused on their career or haven’t “found the right one.” It is because they fundamentally do not respect women enough to sustain a meaningful connection. They may brag about how they prefer to keep things casual, but the reality is that every relationship they have ever been in has ended because of the same pattern—disregard, entitlement, and an inability to treat women as equals. This pattern stems from an inability to value women as equals, prioritizing control over mutual respect.

Men who genuinely respect women do not go years, or even decades, without forming a deep and lasting bond. They do not sabotage every relationship by acting emotionally unavailable or blaming women for their inability to commit. The pattern is always the same: short-lived flings, a trail of exes who “just could not handle them,” and an ever-present excuse for why they cannot settle down. It is not that they have bad luck in relationships—it is that their fundamental attitude toward women makes them incapable of having one.

13. They Refer To Women As “Females” Or “She”

Men who say “females” instead of “women” are showing their hand whether they realize it or not. They talk about women the same way someone would talk about a species of animal, reducing them to their biological classification instead of addressing them as people. The word itself is not the problem—it is the way they say it, often with a dismissive or condescending tone. It is a dead giveaway that they do not see women as equals but rather as some vague, generalized category that exists separately from themselves. According to Jezebel, men who use “female” often pair it with derogatory generalizations, reflecting contempt rather than neutral description

These men almost never refer to men as “males” in conversation. That is because when they say “females,” it is not neutral. It is usually attached to some sweeping generalization about how “females are too emotional” or “females always want attention.” They use the term to distance themselves from women, subtly reinforcing the idea that women are inferior, irrational, or not to be taken seriously. If a man constantly refers to women as “females,” there is a very good chance that he sees them as something less than human.

14. They Cut Women Off When They’re Talking


Some men are so used to dismissing women that they do not even realize they are doing it. They interrupt, talk over, and completely ignore what a woman is saying—not because they have something urgent to add, but because they genuinely do not value her voice. It is not about conversation, it is about control. They assume that what they have to say is more important, and they are not interested in hearing a woman’s thoughts unless it benefits them in some way. In fact, according to Advisory, men interrupt women 33% more often than they do other men, a dynamic rooted in perceived dominance

This is not a one-time mistake or a bad habit. It is a pattern. They will let men finish their thoughts but consistently cut women off mid-sentence. If they do let a woman finish speaking, they might act like she did not say anything of substance or immediately contradict her just to assert dominance. These men do not just dislike women—they dislike the idea of women having opinions at all.

Natasha is a seasoned lifestyle journalist and editor based in New York City. Originally from Sydney, during a a stellar two-decade career, she has reported on the latest lifestyle news and trends for major media brands including Elle and Grazia. Natasha now writes and directs content for Bolde Media, publishers of Bolde, Star Candy, Style Files, Psych Love and Earth Animals.