It’s natural to become attached to our romantic partners. They tend to be the people we spend the most amount of time with, and they’re also the ones who know the best and worst parts of us, so there’s a level of trust and love there that creates a deep bond. However, there’s a difference between loving someone deeply and using them as your shield against the parts of yourself you don’t want to confront. Here are some signs that you’re using your man as a security blanket.
- You dread going anywhere without him. Who else is supposed to keep you on track with your shopping list and push the cart? Sure, it’s fun going places with your boyfriend, but if you struggle to go anywhere without him, there’s a problem.
- You freak out when there’s a lapse in contact. You like to stay in contact 24/7 so you know exactly where he is in case you need him… and just so you know you’re not alone in the world.
- You let him do all the talking. You’re fine with new people, as long as someone’s around to handle all that dreaded small talk.
- You’re not sure what you did with your time before you were together. You must have had a life before the two of you got together, but you can’t seem to remember anything that it actually entailed.
- Sometimes you feel more like friends than anything else. You couldn’t imagine your life without him, but when pressed, you’re not entirely sure he’s your soul mate or anything.
- You’re plagued by insecurity when he’s not around. Every little thing makes you doubtful, when he’s away, and the only thing that makes you feel better is his approval.
- You never make decisions on your own. You trust his input and you don’t want to make any avoidable mistakes, even when it comes to little things like choosing a restaurant.
- When he disagrees with you, it’s a big problem. Devastating, sometimes, because if he’s not on your team, you’re unsure who is.
- You can’t imagine having to live alone. You didn’t love living with roommates, but you could never live alone, so your boyfriend is just the best possible option.
- You hate when he’s out with the guys. Instead of seeing nights apart as a normal part of life, you feel abandoned each and every time.
- Your moods are dependent on his. When he’s feeling grumpy or down in the dumps, you tend to be right there with him.
- You share all the same interests. Partly because you molded your own interests to his so that you could spend more time together, and partly because your head is so far up his ass, you don’t really know what you like anymore.
- You’re attached at the hip. When you guys go out together, you never wander around and talk to other people – you’re there by his side the entire time.
- You’ve never really been single. You basically go from one relationship to the next, without ever stopping to think about why you can’t really be alone.