14 Things Guys Will Never Understand About Us

Don’t bother wasting your time trying to get your guy to understand everything little thing about you. He might know these things happen, but he’s not going to really get why. Seriously, guys spend hours with their male friends trying to decode our strange behavior. At least it gives them something constructive to do. Just accept there are some things guys don’t understand and never will. Give your man a general overview if he asks. Anything more and you’ll just get a blank stare and possibly a guy with a major headache.

  1. Periods. This is the ultimate mystery to a guy. All they know is women bleed and may be a little erratic. They also tend to either fear it or blow it off as nothing. Wouldn’t we all love to see how guys would react if they dealt with cramps and bleeding? Sadly, it’s just us and guys should just know to love you and do whatever you want during this time.
  2. Mood swings or PMS. Guys have mood swings too, but they’ll never admit it. When we have them, we’re crazy or so they think. No, we’re not nuts. We have those magic things called emotions and hormones. Add to that the usual everyday stress and you get mood swings. Of course, PMS doesn’t make it easier. Just tell a guy they happen and to get over it.
  3. Group bathroom breaks. So what if we like to go to the bathroom in groups? I kind of envy a guy’s ability to get in and get out in a minute or less. Yet, it’s fun to get away to the bathroom to talk about your date or ask each other if we still look alright. Guys don’t get it. We don’t get how they still miss the toilet after decades of practice either.
  4. Selfies. Okay, so women are little more selfie obsessed than men. We love documenting our lives. It’s just how we are. We’re geared to want a record of our favorite moments and memories to share with friends, family and our future children. You might not get it guys, but just accept it’s a hobby of ours.
  5. Time it takes to get ready. I’m so sorry it takes me three times longer to get ready than you. Guys complain, but they expect a woman to look amazing when they go out. This takes time. Guys don’t have to shave their legs, pits and bikini area. They don’t have to deal with hair and makeup. Guys have maybe five outfits. We have an entire mall in our closets. Yes, we’d love to make it simpler, but we do most of this crap for guys. Plus, it’s kind of a our relaxation time.
  6. Love of shopping. Guys like to take things apart, hit stuff and veg out in front of the TV. We like to shop. It really shouldn’t be that hard to understand, but guys still remain clueless. Shopping is the female version of social meditation. It’s fun and makes us relax. Once again, it’s just another hobby and guys just have to accept it.
  7. Enjoying chick flicks. Frankly, I’m not sure why we love chick flicks, either. It’s strange and there shouldn’t really be any reason we enjoy having a box of tissue beside us just to watch a movie. That doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy it. Maybe it’s the emotional aspect or just a way to get lost in someone else’s life. Don’t bother to ask us why we like them. We’re just as clueless as you are.
  8. Loving a good cry. Silence and anger are how most guys deal with overwhelming amounts of stress. Women take a cry break. We’re not being weak. We’re giving our minds and emotions a moment to let go of all the stress so we can create a plan of attack. Once we’ve cried, we’re ready to take on the world. Guys think it’s messy, but it’s actually quite relaxing and productive.
  9. Baby pressure. Sure, guys might get asked if they want to have children, but they’ll never truly understand baby pressure. You know what I’m talking about, ladies. As soon as you hit puberty, it starts. The first serious relationship you’re in after high school and it gets even worse. By your 30s, you’re pretty sure you’re just a ticking, child making, time bomb. Yes, the biological clock drives us insane. We’d love for guys to go through the same thing.
  10. Insecurities about appearance. Women are bombarded on every side about how they should look. Guys don’t get hit the same way. We’re not perfect and we never will be, but somehow we’re expected to look like supermodels. Give us a break if we’re a little insecure. Throw some sincere compliments our way and we’ll feel a lot better.
  11. Gossiping. Despite what guys say, they gossip too, especially as they get older. What can I say? We like to talk about other people. It’s how we always know what’s going on. It’s not being mean. It’s research. You never know when that story about the neighbor mowing the lawn with his wife’s sister on his lap could come in handy.
  12. Getting defensive easily. This goes back to the whole perfection thing. Yes, we get moody. That’s no reason to call us bitches. Sure, we needed a breakdown moment to feel better. Don’t call us a drama queen for it. It’s all the little insults women hear on a daily basis that make us so defensive. Guys don’t get it because they don’t go through the same things.
  13. Not being in the mood. While guys aren’t always in the mood either, they seem to think the moment their little mini me rises, we should be ready to go, too. It doesn’t work that way. We’re not always in the mood. Guys don’t understand it, but oh well. We’ll let you know when we want you. We’ll even be respectful and not whine when the guy’s not quite up for it.
  14. The necessity of foreplay. Part of the reason women might not be in the mood is lack of foreplay. Yes, it is a necessity. It’s not optional. Women need it to prepare for sex. It’s how our bodies are built. Guys might see as a hassle, but they should just see it as a fun build up to the main event. Remind your guy that foreplay leads to what he wants most and no other explanation is needed.

Guys will be forever clueless about certain things when it comes to women. We feel the same way about them. It’s just part of what makes relationships so confusing.

Crystal Crowder is a freelance writer and blogger. She's a tech geek at heart, but loves telling it like it is when it comes to love, beauty and style. She's enjoys writing music, poetry and fiction and curling up with a great book. You can find her on Twitter @ccrowderwrites or check out her other writing on Medium.