In case you were wondering, there are many ways to lose a good woman. It often takes any combination of things to get her to take off, so I’ve compiled a list of some to get you started. If you’re doing a mix of these things there’s a chance your lady is going to leave you real soon if she hasn’t already.
- Take her for granted. Stop appreciating her and all of the things that she does for you. After all, it’s not like she’s your queen or anything. Stop treating her as such. Taking her for granted means forgetting to be grateful for all that you have. It means sending her subtle signs that you just don’t care.
- Toy with her. Play games with her. Tell her one thing and do another. Toy with her emotions. Withhold information about what you are really looking for while making her believe something else. These are perfect ways to lose your wonderful woman.
- Don’t commit. Be as evasive as possible whenever the topic of commitment arises. Avoid it at all costs because you know that you don’t want to commit. You just want to have the benefits of a relationship without having to call it a relationship. Make up great excuses for why it is that you can’t commit. Never give in.
- Withhold affection. Don’t kiss her, don’t hug her, and definitely don’t touch her in sweet ways. Keep your affection all to yourself so that she’s sure that you don’t love her. Don’t touch her in passionate ways when you’re having sex. Keep it strictly business. These are ways to withhold affection and be sure she doesn’t feel seen.
- Don’t listen to her. Definitely tune her out whenever she’s talking to you. Do your best to listen as little as possible. It’s even good to talk over her when she’s speaking, just to make sure she knows that you really don’t give a crap. Lastly, if you ever are paying attention, be sure to show disdain for what she’s saying because you aren’t really listening anyway.
- Be wishy-washy. One day feel one way, then another day feel completely differently. Fight with your girlfriend and you say that you think the relationship just isn’t working out for you, then the next day you say nevermind, you didn’t mean it. Go back and forth on what you want.
- Don’t respect her. Refrain from treating her like a human being. Instead, do things like call her names and go through her phone. Treat her as if she isn’t someone that you love dearly by acting like a total jerk. Further, tell your partner everything you think is wrong with her and always demand that things go your way. This is a great way to lose a woman.
- Stop doing sweet things. Refrain from doing the little things that really matter like buying flowers and sending cute text messages. Don’t do these things because you’ve stopped caring about the small things. Definitely don’t remember how much these sweet things mean to your girl and drop them for good.
- Be emotionally unavailable. This one is especially important. Start dating a woman right after you’ve ended a relationship with another. Never talk about your problems or feelings lest you let someone close to you, which is way out of the question. Make jokes in serious situations, never having to talk about anything that ails you. Just be as elusive as possible to remain safe in your bubble.
- Treat her like an object. Whenever you’re horny, come onto her whether it’s a good time or not. Use her for her body and don’t treat her like a human being. Especially when you are having sex, don’t be sweet at all about it. In fact, don’t even look her in the eyes. After all, she isn’t more than a play toy, right?
- Be defensive. Whenever your partner has a concern to discuss, freak out about it. Huff and puff and demand that you didn’t do anything. Don’t take responsibility for whatever your partner is offering up. Stick to your guns and don’t budge. Just be sure to be as defensive as possible.
- Treat your phone as more important. Spend as much time with your phone as you can. Check your emails over and over again, even when they’re empty. When your partner’s around, spend more time looking at your phone than you do looking at them. Be best friends with your device and let that ruin your relationship.
- Cheat. Find yourself a second lover and lie about it. Be as sneaky as possible to be sure that your woman doesn’t find out. Cheat as frequently as you can. Be relentless about it. Don’t feel bad if your partner finds out because it doesn’t matter anyway.
- Be unwilling to grow. When your woman brings up an issue that she wants you to work on, insist that you’re actually fine and that you don’t need to work on that issue. Take it a step further and gaslight her, trying to change her reality. Anything to make sure that you don’t have to do any deep emotional work.