Ever been around someone who acts like you just insulted their entire life, even when you didn’t mean a thing by it? Dealing with someone who’s always playing the victim is frankly just exhausting. Here are 15 phrases that professional victims love to use (and why they leave the rest of us exhausted).
1. “Why Does This Always Happen to Me?”
Because, newsflash, sometimes life just happens. But to someone who’s always the victim, their problems are somehow bigger, worse, and way more tragic than anyone else’s. This phrase is their way of putting themselves center stage, casting life as one big plot against them, and you’re there to witness the “injustice.”
2. “I Guess I Just Can’t Win”
They pull this out whenever there’s even the slightest setback in their life. Rather than seeing it as a normal part of living, they make it sound like the universe has it out for them. It’s their way of saying they’re forever unlucky, practically inviting everyone to chime in with sympathetic head nods.
3. “No One Ever Appreciates Me”
Instead of simply saying, “I’d like some recognition,” they throw out this guilt-trip classic. It’s a stealthy way to make everyone feel guilty for not noticing their “sacrifices.” Meanwhile, they forget all the times they were actually appreciated or, you know, not entirely selfless themselves.
4. “I Can’t Believe You’d Do This to Me”
Ah, the grand betrayal phrase. They use this after even the most minor disagreement to turn the tables and make it all about how hurt they are. You could just be pointing out something small, but they’ll react like you’ve shattered their trust entirely, making you wonder if you should be apologizing.
5. “Nobody Ever Helps Me”
They love this one because it paints them as the abandoned hero. Even if they’ve had loads of help, they’ll conveniently forget it, making it sound like they’re out there struggling solo. This phrase is their go-to for getting everyone to rush to prove their loyalty—even if they’re the ones forgetting everyone else’s support.
6. “I’ve Just Had the Worst Luck”
When things go wrong, it’s always “bad luck” that’s to blame. They’d rather chalk things up to fate than admit any role in the situation. For them, luck is something that actively works against them, and they love to remind you of it whenever possible.
7. “It Must Be Nice to Have It So Easy”
This is their go-to passive-aggressive way of throwing shade. Anytime anyone else catches a break, they’ll say this so they can remind you how much harder they’ve had it. They don’t care about your achievements, they want everyone to focus on their own “struggles.” They just can’t let others feel good without making it a slight against them.
8. “I’m Just Trying to Survive”
For the chronic victim, even minor inconveniences become epic battles for survival. They want to be painted as the weary survivor, braving a world that’s determined to bring them down. It’s their way of showing how “strong” they are while fishing for sympathy from everyone around them.
9. “Everyone Always Blames Me for Everything”
With this one, they play the innocent martyr, claiming to be wrongfully blamed for anything and everything. It’s usually said after they do something wrong and they’re quickly trying to deflect any sort of responsibility and making everyone else question if they’ve been too harsh. They love this one for its effectiveness in dodging accountability.
10. “I’m the Only One Who Cares”
This phrase shows up when they feel underappreciated or unsupported and they feel like playing the narcissist. By saying this, they set themselves up as the one who “cares the most” while subtly throwing everyone else under the bus. It’s a way to look like the better person without actually putting in the effort.
11. “I Guess I’ll Just Do It All Myself”
If no one jumps to help, they break out this line to guilt-trip everyone. It implies they’re the only ones pulling the weight, even if it’s pretty clear they aren’t. It’s a classic victim move that makes others scramble to prove their support, whether it’s deserved or not.
12. “I Knew This Would Happen”
This fatalistic line is a favorite for anyone who sees life as rigged against them. By saying they “knew” something would go wrong, they get the satisfaction of being both a victim and a genius psychic. For them, it’s less about bad outcomes and more about reinforcing their view that nothing good can ever happen.
13. “If Only People Would Listen to Me”
This one makes them sound like the ignored genius of the group. By saying this, they shift blame to everyone else, implying that the world would be in better shape if people just followed their advice. It’s both a put-down and a self-glorification in one sneaky line.
14. “I Just Can’t Win, No Matter What I Do”
They use this as the ultimate sympathy-grabber. If something doesn’t go their way, they throw this line out to make everyone feel bad for them. It’s the ultimate conversation ender and it’s designed to leave everyone feeling guilty for not realizing how “hard” they have it.
15. “I Don’t Expect You to Understand”
This is their way of shutting down your empathy and making your attempts to cheer them up feel inadequate. When they say this, they make it seem like their struggles are so unique, that no one could possibly “get it.” It’s a way to keep their victim mentality intact without letting others break through their walls.