7. “I appreciate your concern, but this isn’t up for discussion.”
The polite way of saying “Mind your own beeswax.” It acknowledges their input while firmly closing the door on further conversation. Use this when Great Aunt Mildred won’t stop asking about your love life.
8. “I don’t engage in conversations about others when they’re not present.”
This is the grown-up version of “I’m rubber, you’re glue.” It shuts down gossip and makes you look like the mature one. Win-win!
9. “That comment is inappropriate/offensive.”
Sometimes, you’ve got to call it like you see it. This phrase drops a truth bomb on casual racism, sexism, or any other -ism that crops up in conversation.
10. “I don’t find that kind of humor funny.”
For shutting down offensive jokes or “just kidding” comments. It’s a polite way of saying “Your joke sucks and you should feel bad.”
11. “I think we’re going in circles with this conversation.”
For when you’re stuck in a conversational loop. It’s a diplomatic way of saying “We’ve been talking for an hour and you’re still not getting it.”
12. “I need some time to process this before continuing the discussion.”
This is your get-out-of-jail-free card when you need a breather. It’s especially useful in heated discussions where emotions are running high.
13. “I understand you have strong feelings about this, but so do I.”
Use this when someone’s trying to steamroll over your opinions. It acknowledges their passion while standing your ground.
14. “I’m not the right person to have this conversation with.”
The polite way of saying “This is above my pay grade.” Use it to redirect workplace drama or family feuds to the appropriate channels.
15. “This conversation isn’t productive, so I’m going to step away now.”
When all else fails, sometimes you’ve just got to pull the ripcord. This phrase is your emergency exit from toxic talk. Use it and make your grand escape! And if you want more inspo, here are some tips for walking away according to Vox.