15 Sexy Games To Play With Your Partner In Bed

When you first start dating someone, you go at it like rabbits. The sex is intense and exciting, the pleasure is overwhelming, and you’re basically in an intense state of euphoria pretty much 24/7. However, the longer you’re together, the more likely intimacy in your relationship is to suffer. It doesn’t have to be that way, thankfully. Here are some sexy games to play with your partner in bed to switch things up a bit.

Sexy roleplaying games

  1. Master and servant roleplay I know it’s not necessarily the most forward-thinking modern approach, but hey, whatever gets you going. This is a fun way of playing around with the gender dynamic in your relationship and explicitly stepping into someone else’s shoes. It gets you out of your head and on his. TMI?
  2. Nurse and patient roleplay If you aren’t going to meet each other in a bar with different names and pretend to be strangers, then this is a solid alternative option. It means that you can both take on new personalities and let yourself loose being someone else for a while. Dressing the part helps too.
  3. Teacher and student roleplay This is one of the most popular roleplays for fans of sexy games like these. If you really want to get into character, you can buy a school uniform Halloween costume and make him wear a suit and tie. Make sure you pay attention to your lessons!

Sexy competitions

  1. See who can last the longest. This is one of the hottest sexy games to play with your partner in bed because it ups the intensity of the sensation and also allows you both to whip out your competitive side – for better or for worse. If you’ve felt before like you’re just going through the motions during sex, this is the time to really put that to the test. Introduce a reward, such as an act of service, and get going. Use your dirtiest tactics.
  2. Who can stay silent the longest? This is a slightly different approach to sexy games. It’s not bound by such arbitrary units as orgasms but extends the challenge to the whole process of foreplay. Sex is about enjoyment and pleasure, but it’s also about exploration and figuring out what works for you and your relationship. Try a few challenges like these to spice things up!
  3. Who can resist the feathers? When in doubt in the bedroom, introduce a new prop. I’m pretty sure they said that in the bible. Rather than just the vibrator or dildo itself, start building up the story of sex rather than focusing on the orgasm as the end goal. For example, tease each other with sensory details like feathers, tickling, restraint – whatever that you’re willing to try.

Sexy games using toys or props

  1. Use toys in a different way. I know you might think that you know how to use your sex toys, but have you really considered all the ways you might want to use them? If ever there’s a time to explore your relationship with sex toys, it’s when you’re in a rut in other departments. It’s never just sex that’s the issue, or just communication, et cetera. It shows your capacity to explore and try new sexy games to keep things fresh.
  2. Get food involved. I know it’s something straight out of Pornhub to lick whipped cream off someone’s chest, but hey, don’t knock it ’til you try it. Just make sure you use sweet food to start with that’s generally tastier and easier to clean up afterward. Also, shower after the deed is done to avoid infection.
  3. Handcuffs are your friends. If you haven’t tried it before, I encourage everyone to explore restraining one another as part of their foreplay. Have the discussion and see how you both feel about it, but it’s a really effective way of really letting loose and giving into the moment.
  4. Don’t be afraid to get rough. If you’re foraying a little further into the world of BDSM, make sure you have a formal check-in with your partner. Incorporating sex play that involves pain thresholds or violence – even in a controlled way – requires a constant process of communication and trust. If you aren’t there yet, just focus on how to articulate the conversation. Consider your options. Sexy games are only sexy when everyone is on board.

Ways to switch things up and make sex more fun

  1. Swap your usual roles. If one of you in the relationship is normally on top or normally initiates things, mix it up. Sometimes we can get so set in our ways when life is busy that both parties know exactly what order things will occur in and how long it will take. Why not add some spontaneity to that to enrich your experience?
  2. Swap clothes. Swapping clothes is another way of spicing up your sexy bedroom games because you can step into the other person’s shoes – literally – and explore things from another perspective. Seeing each other in a gender-bended unusual situation will open new imaginative options for both of you. You will think of positions you didn’t even know existed before.
  3. Change the room. Maybe you’re getting too cooped up in your bedroom and you need to go to the other person’s apartment or rent a hotel for the night. Do something daring by changing the setting for your sexy games, and you will find that your alter egos follow suit.
  4. Get your rhythm going to music. No one should be playing sexy games in silence. It’s too intimidating and shows that you aren’t giving the moment the respect it deserves. We aren’t machines, we need some ambiance, atmosphere, and anticipation. Find a playlist you connect with and let the music take over.
  5. Talk dirty. People are still quite uptight about the idea of what dirty talk means, which surprises me. It doesn’t mean that you have to get crude or disrespectful, but you just have to be willing to experiment. Try things, get them wrong, and be willing to be perceived by your partner as you try new things. It’ll reinvigorate your sex games!
Hannah has a Masters degree in Romantic and Victorian literature in Scotland and spends her spare time writing anything from essays to short fiction about the life and times of the frogs in her local pond! She loves musical theatre, football, anything with potatoes, and remains a firm believer that most of the problems in this world can be solved by dancing around the kitchen to ABBA. You can find her on Instagram at @_hannahvic.