15 Types of People That Always Drain Your Energy

15 Types of People That Always Drain Your Energy

We’ve all experienced the moments after an interaction when you feel completely exhausted like someone just sucked the life right out of you.  That’s called an emotional vampire, and according to Psych Central, it’s someone who completely drains your emotional energy, whether intentionally or not. Whether it’s through constant negativity, dramatic outbursts, or relentless neediness, these individuals have mastered the art of emotional exhaustion. If any of these types sound familiar, it might be time to reassess some relationships and protect your mental well-being.

1. The Perpetual Victim

Meeko Media/Shutterstock

Meet the master of self-pity, the person who never takes responsibility for anything in their life. When something goes wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault (a sign of a “victim mentality,” according to Psych Central)—their boss, their parents, the universe, but never themselves. They’ll spend hours detailing how they’ve been wronged, and no matter what good advice you offer, they’ll find a way to twist the narrative back to their endless stream of misfortunes. Trying to help them is like trying to pull someone from quicksand—exhausting, futile, and emotionally draining. They’re not looking for solutions; they’re looking for an audience.

2. The Narcissistic Manipulator

Pheelings media/Shutterstock

These individuals will twist conversations, employ guilt trips, and use emotional blackmail with sharp precision according to Psychology Today. Interactions with them are like navigating a complex escape room where the rules constantly change. They’ll subtly undermine your confidence while maintaining a facade of caring, leaving you feeling confused, drained, and questioning your own perceptions. Their empathy is purely performative—they’re experts at appearing concerned while actually being completely self-centered. Every conversation becomes a game where they’re always the winner, and you’re left feeling emotionally depleted and somehow responsible for their feelings.

3. The Toxic Positivity Pusher

New Africa/Shutterstock

Ironically, some overly positive people can be just as draining and harmful as negative ones according to Verywell Mind. They’ll dismiss your genuine feelings with toxic positivity, telling you to “just be happy” or “look on the bright side” without actually acknowledging the depth of your emotions. Your real, complex feelings are invalidated and simplified into simplistic motivational quotes. They mistake suppression for positivity, creating an environment where authentic emotional expression is not welcome. Instead of offering genuine support, they provide surface-level platitudes that make you feel misunderstood and emotionally suppressed. According to Forbes, this is also referred to as “oppressive optimism.”

4. The Constant Competitor


Your achievements? They’ve done better. Your struggles? Theirs are worse. They can’t genuinely celebrate your success or offer authentic support because they’re too busy trying to one-up you. Conversations become exhausting battles of outdoing each other, where listening is replaced by waiting for an opportunity to interject with their own story. Whether it’s career success, personal challenges, or even mundane life experiences, they’ll find a way to turn it into a competitive arena. Sharing a personal victory becomes a feat, as they’ll immediately diminish your accomplishment or redirect the conversation to highlight themselves.

5. The Negative Nancy


Optimism is a foreign concept to them, and they approach life with a relentless negativity that can crush even the most resilient spirit. Their worldview is a constant storm of potential disasters, worst-case scenarios, and impending doom. Spending time with a Negative Nancy is cold, uncomfortable, and absolutely draining. They’ll find the potential problem in every opportunity, the potential failure in every success, and the potential heartbreak in every moment of joy. Conversations become an exercise in emotional weight-lifting, where you’re constantly trying to inject some positivity into their world of pessimism.

6. The Chronic Complainer

True Touch Lifestyle/Shutterstock

Every single aspect of their life is a potential source of grievance. Weather too hot? Complained about. Work too hard? Complained about. Traffic too slow? Definitely complained about. They’ll dissect the most mundane experiences, finding something negative in absolutely everything. Spending time with a chronic complainer is like carrying an emotional rain cloud that constantly threatens to burst. They can suck the joy out of any situation faster than you can say “positive thinking.” Conversations become a relentless parade of negativity, where problem-solving is never the goal.

7. The Drama Magnet


Some people seem to attract drama like it’s their full-time job. One minute everything is calm and peaceful, and the next, they’ve stirred up a tornado of emotional turmoil. They thrive on creating tension, spreading gossip, and ensuring that no situation remains drama-free for long. Whether it’s through deliberately provocative comments, exaggerating minor conflicts, or creating unnecessary confrontations, these individuals somehow manage to drag everyone around them into their turbulent world. Interacting with a drama magnet is emotionally exhausting—you’re constantly bracing for the next explosion, the next piece of shocking news, the next interpersonal meltdown.

8. The Emotional Dumper

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

This is the person who sees you as their personal therapist. They’ll unload every single emotional burden, trauma, and problem onto you, treating you as their primary support system without ever asking if you’re willing or able to take on that role. Conversations with them are a one-way street of emotional downloading, where your feelings, needs, and emotional capacity are completely irrelevant. They’ll call at any hour, dump their emotional baggage, and then disappear, leaving you feeling emotionally raw, exhausted, and completely depleted. The most frustrating part? They never seem to actually do anything to improve their situation or seek professional help.

9. The Constant Interrupter


Communication is a one-way street for these people, and they’ve fully claimed all lanes. They’ll interrupt you mid-sentence, talk over you, and make every conversation about themselves with a complete disregard for basic conversational etiquette. Listening is not in their vocabulary—it’s merely a pause between their own statements. Interactions become an exhausting battle just to complete a single thought, where your words are constantly trampled and your perspective is deemed irrelevant. They’re so focused on what they want to say that they never truly hear anyone else.

10. The Passive-Aggressive Procrastinator


These individuals will drain your energy through their consistent avoidance and subtle emotional manipulation. They’ll agree to things with a smile, only to never follow through, leaving you to pick up the pieces. Their passive-aggressive comments create a toxic environment of uncertainty and frustration. They’ll make commitments they have no intention of keeping, then use elaborate excuses or guilt-tripping techniques when called out. Interactions with them become an exhausting dance of reading between the lines, trying to understand their true intentions, and constantly compensating for their lack of reliability.

11. The Constant Advice-Giver

two female friends at outdoor cafe

These individuals believe they have the solution to every problem—whether you ask for advice or not. They’ll lecture, pontificate, and offer unsolicited guidance on everything from your career to your personal relationships with an air of supreme confidence. Conversations become exhausting one-sided seminars where you’re expected to absorb their “wisdom” without question. They don’t actually listen to understand; they listen to respond and showcase how smart they are. Eye roll.

12. The Constant Attention Seeker


Every conversation, every interaction becomes about them gaining sympathy, admiration, or shock value. They’ll create dramatic scenarios, share exaggerated stories, and demand your undivided attention with the intensity of a toddler. Their need for validation is insatiable—literally, no amount of attention is ever enough. They’ll hijack conversations, turn every discussion into a spotlight on themselves, and leave you feeling emotionally drained and invisible.

13. The Boundary Violator

Two young adults of African decent, sit at a picnic table outside on a sunny summer day as they discuss social issues and their struggles as young Black adults. They are both dressed casually as they share their stories and concerns.

These people have no concept of personal space or emotional boundaries. They’ll share inappropriate details, show up uninvited, and completely disregard your personal limits with a stunning lack of self-awareness. They’ll push and prod at your comfort zones, seemingly oblivious to or deliberately ignoring social cues that signal discomfort. Every time you’re with them, it feels like a Sisyphean task to protect your personal space and maintain your sense of self.’

14. The Commitment-Phobic Flake

Djordje Krstic/iStock

They’ll make plans, cancel at the last minute, or simply not show up without a word of explanation. Their life is a constant state of mayhem, characterized by perpetual uncertainty and last-minute changes. They’ll keep you in a perpetual state of emotional limbo, never allowing you to fully rely on them or plan your life with any sense of certainty. Whether it’s personal relationships, professional commitments, or simple social plans, they treat reliability as an optional extra rather than a basic human courtesy.

15. The Emotional Hostage Taker

two female friends having coffee
Sanja Radin/iStock

They’ll weaponize their own emotions, creating elaborate scenarios that make you feel responsible for their happiness, mental state, or overall well-being. If you don’t give them exactly what they want, they’ll unleash a torrent of emotional manipulation—crying, angry outbursts, silent treatment, or dramatic proclamations of how you’ve destroyed their world. They’ll make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells, constantly trying to manage their emotional state to prevent an explosion. Your own needs, boundaries, and emotional well-being become completely secondary to managing their volatile emotional landscape.

Danielle is a lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience crafting relatable content for both major media companies and startups.