As if worrying about getting to work on time or making sure you don’t have green stuff in your teeth on a first date isn’t enough, most women have a slew of completely pointless worries on our minds at any given moment. Yes, I said pointless. They literally don’t matter — all they do is rip away your happiness. I’m sure some might disagree with the things on this list, and I understand. You’re not ready to let go just yet. Trust me, though — the moment you stop worrying about them, you’ll feel much better. Isn’t happiness supposed to our ultimate goal, anyway?
- Getting married right this second. Who cares if everyone else is doing it? A lot of women get piercings in weird places, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Get a grip. Marriage isn’t going to make your life complete. Frankly, it’s gotten a little overrated. If you’re not in truly in love, don’t even let marriage cross your mind.
- Trying to be just like your friends. Stop comparing your life to your friends. You’re not them. You have your own life to live. The more you stress out over what they’re doing, the less living you’re doing. It’s not a competition. Do what makes you happy, not what makes them happy.
- Caring about your high school weight. Spending every moment of your day worrying about exercise and calories isn’t going to make you happy. You might lose weight, but your personality goes straight to hell. You’re not in high school any more. You’re probably going to gain some weight. As long as you stay active (no, I don’t mean 5 hours of cardio daily) and don’t eat the entire bag of cookies every day, you’re fine.
- Having a set life plan. At some point, you were probably like me and had a list of goals that had to be accomplished by certain ages in your life. Rip your list up right now. You can’t plan for obstacles or major changes in your life. You’ll get to your goals when you get to them. Stressing about it will just set you further behind.
- Wishing you were still a teenager. Occasionally (or not so occasionally), you get this itch to try and pretend you’re 16 again. You want to use all the latest slang, dress in clothes you probably wouldn’t have even worn when you were a teen and be completely irresponsible. Sorry, but you’re an adult now. You can’t change it and it’s actually better. Worrying about it is just pointless.
- Feeling like you have to have kids. It doesn’t matter whether you want kids or not; every woman feels pressured to have them. Even if you already have several, there’s someone making you stress out about having more. It’s your body. You don’t have to have kids until you’re ready. You don’t even have to have them at all.
- Spending time alone. It’s a vicious cycle. You want to be alone when you’re with people and then worry about being alone when you finally get a moment to yourself. You need alone time. Don’t worry about it.
- Overanalyzing texts from everybody. Just read the words, already! Don’t try to get a novel length meaning from a few emojis. Take texts at face value and move on.
- Indulging in Facebook drama. Social media is a pain in the ass sometimes. Don’t get drawn into all the drama. Remember, you don’t have to comment. You don’t even have to be friends with people who just want to cause problems.
- Being the perfect adult. There is no such thing. Even those who seem perfect have their issues. You can’t get it perfectly right, so don’t worry if you make a mistake. It’s going to happen. Just deal with the mistakes when they happen.
- Finding the ideal career now. Some people land their dream job until after retirement. There’s no set age limit for settling into a career. As long as you’re able to support yourself, you’re nailing the whole adulthood thing. You’ll figure out what you want eventually. Don’t sweat it right now.
- The status of your social life. Women often worry if they’re too busy or if they don’t have enough plans. Sometimes you’ll be busier than you want. Other times, you won’t have anything to do. Roll with it and just enjoy your life. Worrying about your plans all the time just ruins everything.
- Pushing your boyfriend into marriage. Having a boyfriend doesn’t automatically mean marriage. Even if you love him, why worry about pushing him into marriage just because you want to beat your friends to the altar? It’ll happen when it happens. If it doesn’t, oh well. Need I repeat my first point?
- Caring what others think about your sex life. Who cares if you’re a virgin or if you’ve been with dozens of guys? It’s your sex life. Stop worrying about what your friends think about it. It’s your vagina, not theirs.
- Caring what others think at all. In the end, it’s your life, not anyone else’s. One day, you’ll wake up and realize you missed out on being yourself because you were trying to make everyone else happy. It’s an amazing feeling to let go of those worries and just stop caring what others think.
- Splurging once in a while. I’m not saying you should spend $100 on specialty chocolate every day, but saving up and treating yourself to a weekend spa trip or those expensive designer jeans you want isn’t a bad thing. Don’t worry about it or feel guilty. You deserve something special sometimes.
Life’s way too short to spend it worrying about stupid stuff. Focus on living your life for you and everything will fall into place. All that really matters is just being happy with yourself.