A supersized ego isn’t just annoying, it can sabotage your relationships and leave you feeling isolated. If you struggle to apologize, crave all the credit, or just constantly feel one-upped, it’s time to take your ego down a notch. Here are some tell-tale signs it’s time to reign in that inner diva (or divo!) for a happier, healthier you.
1. You have to be right, like, all the dang time.
Look, winning an argument feels good, but if you have to “win” every single disagreement, it might be your ego talking, Men’s Health explains. Sometimes we have to admit someone has a good point, or even (gasp!) that we were a bit off track. It doesn’t mean you’re a loser, it just means you’re human.
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2. Compliments give you the ick.
Instead of a warm and fuzzy “aww thanks,” a compliment makes you want to crawl under a rock. That’s your ego being a total buzzkill. Maybe deep down you feel like you’re not really worth the nice words, so your ego freaks out and makes things awkward.
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3. Feedback? Yeah, that’s a hard no.
Think constructive criticism is basically a personal attack? Your ego’s got you on the defensive. It’s hard hearing that we’re not perfect, but feedback’s how we grow! Try to see it as a chance to get even better, not a reason to shut down.
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4. Losing feels like the actual end of the world.
Board game got you throwing a tantrum? Lost the deal at work? Your ego may hate taking an L. You have to remember that nobody wins all the time, and a loss doesn’t mean you suck. Dust yourself off and get back in there, champ.
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5. Your idea is the only good idea.
Team brainstorm turning into a one-person show? Your ego might be taking over. It’s awesome to be confident, but shutting down other people’s ideas is a creativity killer. Let everyone play – sometimes the best stuff comes from unexpected places.
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6. Other people’s successes make you green with envy.
Your bestie got the promotion and you’re a seething ball of negativity? Classic ego move. Instead of celebrating other people’s achievements, your ego gets all competitive. Remember, their success doesn’t take away from yours!
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7. You need to remind everyone how amazing you are.
If every other sentence is about some awesome thing you did, your ego’s running the show. It’s cool to be proud of yourself, but bragging non-stop gets real old, real fast. Let your accomplishments speak for themselves!
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8. Apologizing feels physically impossible.
Saying “sorry” means admitting you messed up, and that’s way too much for your ego to handle. But guess what? Everyone screws up sometimes. Owning your mistakes makes you a bigger person, not a weaker one.
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9. You love putting other people down.
Feeling good about yourself by making others feel small is a major ego red flag. Bringing others down won’t lift you up. Try focusing on building yourself up instead of tearing others apart.
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10. You’re always the victim.
Nothing’s ever your fault, right? Wrong! If everyone else is always the problem, it might be time to look in the mirror. Your ego doesn’t like admitting that you might contribute to your own problems sometimes. Taking responsibility can be tough, but shifting the blame constantly isn’t going to solve anything.
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11. You secretly feel superior to everyone else.
Deep down, you think you’re smarter, better looking, more successful… the list goes on. Your ego’s got you up on a pedestal, and let’s be real, everyone else looks like ants from up there. Time to come back down to earth! Everybody has unique gifts and strengths, it’s time to start appreciating them.
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12. You have zero patience for anyone slower/less experienced than you.
If the newbie at work asking questions got you rolling your eyes, your ego’s the culprit. Remember, we all started somewhere. A little kindness and patience goes a long way, NBC News suggests – and might just prevent you from looking like a jerk. Plus, who knows, that newbie could have some pretty cool ideas to share!
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13. You need to be the center of attention at all times.
Even if the conversation isn’t about you, you’ll steer it that way, even if it means interrupting like a pro. Your ego craves the spotlight, but guess what? Other people’s stories are just as interesting as yours. Try actively listening and asking questions – you might be surprised at what you learn.
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14. That grudge you’re holding? It’s been, like, a decade.
Your ego won’t let you forgive and forget. Holding onto anger hurts you more than anyone else. Sure, it’s tough, but letting go is a serious power move. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting what happened, it means choosing to not let the past poison your present.
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15. Listening is boring.
You’d much rather talk about yourself than truly hear what someone else has to say. Classic ego at play! But really listening builds stronger connections. You might even learn something new. Besides, think about those times you wanted to vent– wouldn’t you appreciate someone truly listening?
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16. Feeling grateful just isn’t cool.
Your ego hates the idea that anything good in your life could be due to someone else’s help. But gratitude is awesome! It reminds you that you’re part of something bigger and keeps your ego from ballooning to the size of a planet. No one achieves success alone – taking a moment to recognize that feels pretty darn good.
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