It seems like everywhere you turn, guys are bemoaning how all women want a man with Hugh Jackman’s bodyor one who has at least $100,000 in the bank. If guys only knew about some of the things girls find attractive, they might have a lot more confidence. Here are 20 surprising things women find hot about guys:
- Geekiness. Geeky guys are a major turn-on for many women, and it doesn’t only have to be the Whovian, anime, or Star Wars type geek, either. Many women find computer geeks to be pretty damned hot, too.
- Shyness. Is there anything that is more endearing and more adorable than a guy who’s so shy around women that he yammers and stammers? For some women, it’s the male personality trait equivalent of Spanish Fly.
- Glasses. Statistics show that women actually find men who wear glasses to be 38% sexier than their contact lenses-wearing counterparts. Besides, is there anything hotter than getting a guy so riled up that his glasses start fogging up?
- Facial hair. One only need to look at all the lumberjack-looking models in magazines to realize that this trend can be pretty hot.
- Hairy chests. Believe it or not, there are women out there who prefer to rub up against a hairy chest once in a while. Not every girl wants to date a Ken doll lookalike.
- A slightly unkempt appearance. There’s something pretty hot about a guy who’s too chill to care too much about how he looks. It’s laid-back yet rough, and it’s just rogueishly sexy. Depending on the guy, it could be considered “hippie sexy” or just plain “bad boy” appeal.
- Happy trails. It’s hard not to enjoy teasing this area of a man’s body. Girls, you know what I’m talking about.
- A little bit of extra chubbiness. As nice as muscular guys look, most super ripped men just aren’t good to cuddle. Cuddling is important for the ladies, you know. Besides, a guy who has a little extra padding just becomes so much more huggable!
- Soft voices. There’s something really soothing about a guy who has a soft voice. It doesn’t even have to be deep. It just makes you feel so much safer.
- The way guys naturally smell. I know of quite a few women who are happy to sniff their guy’s shirt post-workout, just because they love the way a man’s sweat smells. Drakkar Noir, get outta here! We want to sniff out the way a man really smells.
- When guys get emotional. Though there’s obviously a limit to how emotional a man can be before we begin to roll our eyes at them, nothing quite can get women speechless like a guy who can actually show how much he cares. At times, even a guy who cries at movies can be pretty damned cute.
- When guys blush. For some women this is like the Holy Grail of hot. Obviously, this trait goes hand in hand with the shyness. For some women, a guy who blushes when he gets kissed is the ultimate sweetheart… and that’s pretty hot for a girl who might want to take charge.
- Well cared for hands. You know what most girls can’t stand? Rough hands. Super calloused hands can be scratchy, even when a guy is giving a girl a back rub. On the other hand, soft hands on a guy, especially when it involves trimmed fingernails, tends to be a good indicator that foreplay will be incredible.
- Jealousy. A little jealousy is hot. A lot of jealousy, not so much. Still, seeing a guy get a bit possessive of a girl is a pretty good turn on for some of us.
- Scars. Speaking as someone who has a six inch scar across her face, I’ve been told by both men and women that scars are hot. Apparently, scars signify badassery.
- Freckles and red hair. Also known as being a ginger, red hair and freckles on a guy can be pretty hot in some cases. Freckles, depending on where they are, can even be pretty lickable. (Note: Gingers *do* have souls. Don’t listen to Cartman.)
- Enjoying good food. For some girls, there are very few things more aggravating than a guy who is a sadly picky eater. A guy who is adventurous with his food is a guy who will most likely be adventurous with other things, too. Therefore, a guy who enjoys his food will likely be a guy who has more hotness to him than meets the eye.
- Feminine lips. A nice pout on a guy just means there’s all the more to kiss. Full lips are pretty darn awesome for kissing.
- Quirky behavior. Girls like quirky guys just as much as guys like eccentric girls. Trust me on this one.