20 Thoughts That Go Through Every Woman’s Head When We Bump Into An Ex

20 Thoughts That Go Through Every Woman’s Head When We Bump Into An Ex

Bumping into an ex-boyfriend is often awkward, sometimes a little weird, and usually exhausting. There are always so many thoughts running through your head during the entire process. But not to worry, we’ve all been there.

Here are 20 thoughts that go through everyone’s head when they bump into an ex:

  1. Should I say hello? Or will that be weird?
  2. I wonder if I could just walk by unnoticed. I’ll just look over here behind these shelves and maybe he’ll walk in the other direction.
  3. Oh damn, he’s spotted me. Do I wave? Smile?
  4. I hope I look OK. Sweat pants are sexy, right?
  5. God, he looks crap. He’s totally going grey. And I think he’s put on some weight. Wow, I don’t miss him at all.
  6. Naw, I’m lying. He looks great. I guess being without me suits him.
  7. I wonder if he has a new girlfriend. And if he does, I wonder if she looks like me?
  8. Of course he does, I’ve stalked her Facebook page. And no, she doesn’t look like me.
  9. Where’s my CD that you borrowed from me 2 years ago? Imagine if I actually asked for it back. I can just see his eyes bulging in shock right now.
  10. I’ve seen you naked. And now I feel super awkward. Oh God, flashbacks of that drunken night are coming back.
  11. You’ve seen me naked. I wonder if he’s picturing me naked now? Oh yes, now I feel less awkward. Not. 
  12. Should I make conversation? I don’t even know what to say. Maybe I can just wave and walk by?
  13. Nope, he’s stopping to talk. Well, this is going to be fun.
  14. He sounds a little flustered. But I probably do, too.
  15. I wonder if he thinks I’m still into him. Because I’m totally over him.
  16. I wonder if he’s still into me? I don’t know why I’m even thinking that.
  17. Should I make an excuse to leave? I really should finish the shopping.
  18. Yeah, sure I’ll text you. Not.
  19. He seems happy. And I’m happy for him.
  20. OK, now to buy some ice-cream and wine. Because that was exhausting.
Sarah is a full-time content marketer, part-time freelancer. She’s a serial hobbyist (which just means that she does a lot of random things, but none of them particularly well). Her real talent lies in her ability to consume copious amounts of wine, whilst discussing feminism and reading A Song of Ice and Fire for the 8th time... All while saving puppies from burning houses, of course. You can see more of her work here, or pop over to Twitter and say “‘ello ‘ello” @daughterdipstik