Woman Who Weighed 200 Pounds Now Wears Corset 18 Hours A Day To Achieve 21 Inch Waist

Woman Who Weighed 200 Pounds Now Wears Corset 18 Hours A Day To Achieve 21 Inch Waist

A woman who once weighed 200 pounds and wore a Size 16 clothing now boasts a 21.5-inch waist thanks to wearing a corset for 18 hours a day. Georgia native Sammy Wilson, 26, hated her “boxy” frame and decided in 2018 that she wanted to achieve the world’s smallest waist and began training with the corset in April 2019. These days, she can fit in a 15-inch corset and is very close to achieving her goal.

  1. She didn’t originally set out to break records. In an interview with The Sun, Wilson explained, “If I get down to 14 inches my waist will be roughly the same size as an average newborn baby’s head and one inch smaller than the current world record. When I first started, I just wanted to try and get to a 20 inches corset, but once I’d got there I just wanted to keep going.”
  2. Not everyone is appreciative of her new look. Wilson admitted that she’s been labeled a freak and called “ugly” by total strangers due to her waist size. “If I’m out shopping, people will stare. They will sometimes even stop and ask me questions about how my waist is so small and if it hurts,” she said.  “Some people say I’m weird, call me a freak and ugly, or ask me why I would do this to myself.”
  3. Sammy is feeling good about the major changes she’s made. In the process of shrinking her waist, she’s also lost about 80 pounds and is very happy with her decision to change. “I don’t know how people can say it’s dangerous, it’s actually very comfortable,” she said. “When you’re skinny and pretty, life is just so much easier. More guys want to take me out and more people notice me. I just want to see how far I can take it.”
  4. She insists her health is better for her corset-wearing ways. Sammy, who laces herself up 18 hours a day and even does a 36-hour stint of wearing it nonstop at least once a month, says people’s concerns are unwarranted. “Despite people’s concerns I think it has helped my health massively,” she insisted. “I used to be a terrible over eater but I just can’t over eat when I’m wearing this. It helps my posture so I won’t have a hump when I’m older and it’s very good for my metabolism.” Medical professionals might disagree, but to each their own.
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