25 Bad Habits You Should Kick After Turning 25

When you’re young, the idea of turning 25 seems light years away, but once you finally reach that milestone, it all feels a bit anti-climactic. If anything, you feel as lost and confused as ever about life and what it holds in store. While there’s no reason that you should become a completely different person just because you’re another year older, there are some habits you should drop after you’ve spent 25 years on this planet:

  1. Getting too wasted. Tequila shots on a Monday night definitely used to be a lot less painful a few years ago.
  2. Getting too high. Drowning out your problems with drugs is not the solution to your problems, and it’s more dangerous than fun.
  3. Being hungover at work. After a while, it’s not as appealing to be known as the “hungover person” at work.
  4. Chasing your ex. Exes are a thing of the past and should stay in the past.. If it didn’t work out before, just move on.
  5. Chasing anyone in general. If you have to fight for someone’s attention, then they don’t deserve you. You want to be with someone who wants to genuinely be with you, too.
  6. Frequent one-night stands. Sex does not equal love. Whatever you’re searching for, you won’t find it by getting under someone.
  7. Dating people that you know are wrong for you. If you already know you’re not that interested in someone, then don’t waste your time or theirs.
  8. Trying to look cool. We’re not in high school anymore. Why are you still trying to impress everyone?
  9. Buying cheap clothing. It’s honestly just a waste of money.
  10. Not saving your money. It’s always good to have a safety net. Save your money now and you’ll thank yourself later.
  11. Ordering takeout all the time. Learning how to cook is a valuable skill. Remember, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
  12. Gossiping about others. What point are you trying to make by gossiping about other people? Mind your own business and focus on your own life before judging people about theirs.
  13. Caring about what other people think. It’s your life to lead, so don’t listen to what other people say. Just be yourself.
  14. Not voting. As Ghandi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. If you’re going to complain about the system, you might as well do something about it.
  15. Asking your parents to clean up after all of your messes. Eventually, we all have to grow up and stand on our own two feet. We’re not children anymore.
  16. Blaming others for your problems. Be an adult and take responsibility for your own actions.
  17. Neglecting your health. Keep in mind of what you put in your body. You are what you eat.
  18. Avoiding exercise. As much as you hate exercising, it will help you more than hurt you. Stay active and your body will thank you down the road.
  19. Tanning excessively. Don’t put yourself at risk for health problems later on. The things you do when you’re younger will eventually catch up to you.
  20. Setting high expectations. Not everything will turn out the way you want, but don’t get discouraged. Don’t get your hopes up too high to the point where you’ll be extremely disappointed with the outcome. Just roll with the punches.
  21. Surrounding yourself with toxic people. Life is too short to be around toxic people. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up, not bring you down.
  22. Hanging onto friendships that aren’t meant to last. Not all friendships are meant to last. As you get older, it becomes more difficult to keep everyone in our lives.The ones that were meant to be will still be there. Be grateful for the friendships that have come and gone.
  23. Feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for yourself won’t change a situation. If you’re not happy, then change something in your life and adjust accordingly.
  24. Settling for less than you deserve. One of the worst feelings in the world is feeling like you are taken for granted or unappreciated. Never underestimate yourself and never settle for less than you deserve.
  25. Not going after what you want. “Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars”. Follow your heart, follow your dreams, and fight for the things that you love.
Lindsey is a Digital Advertising Professional and Freelance Writer based in New York City. In her spare time, she enjoys running, traveling, and drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee. Follow her on Twitter @lindseyruns