When a man is going through a midlife crisis, he may do some things that seem strange or a bit uncharacteristic. Here are some of the most common changes guys make in their lives around this time.
1. Start regretting things
Maybe he always thought he’d start his own business or become a professional athlete, but then life got in the way. It’s common for men in the middle of a crisis to look back on the “could’ve, should’ve, would’ve” situations in their lives and feel sorry that they didn’t take advantage when they had the chance.
2. Upgrade his style
You may notice that he doesn’t wear ill-fitting jeans or dorky sneakers anymore. Nope, he’s traded in his dad gear for something a little cooler, sleeker, and younger. Maybe it’s a printed button-down shirt or over-hyped athleisure, but if he looks like he’s cosplaying a young adult in Brooklyn, you can bet this is what’s happening.
3. Act younger than he is
When he starts feeling old, chances are he’ll want to start acting younger. That may mean dressing in trendier pieces, styling his hair like kids do, speaking in modern slang, or re-engaging in youthful activities like skateboarding. It’s a harmless thing, but it is definitely a sign of a midlife crisis.
4. Reconnect with old friends
Because he’s nostalgic for what once was, it’s common that he’ll look to his old connections to try and bring it back. Maybe it’s his old buddy from the yearbook or his friend who was in the intern trenches with him out of college—either way, getting close to these people brings him (seemingly) closer to his past.
5. Change his car
One day he has an SUV that fits all of his kids and their hockey gear and the next? He’s cruising into the driveway with a brand new firetruck red Ferrari. We didn’t say midlife crisis decisions were always sound. But driving a hot sports car makes him feel young again and adds some excitement (as most shiny new objects do).
6. Feel inadequate
Maybe at work, the younger more tech-savvy guys are getting promotions over him. Maybe his joints just don’t work how they used to and it prevents him from doing the things he loves. When he starts to notice that he’s slowing down, he’ll start to feel left behind and have low self-worth.
7. Become obsessed with the gym
Many men who are going through a midlife crisis will start to heavily focus on exercise. That’s because aging can feel scary and working out a ton is not only good for your health but in some cases, it can help you regain a youthful appearance.
8. Explore his spirituality
It’s common for men at this age to start getting a little existential—wondering about life and searching for meaning and purpose. Maybe they start to see the systemic flaws in religion or maybe it’s not that deep and they just need a change, but spirituality and philosophy can help with either.
9. Move to a different house or country
A lot of men view a midlife crisis as a chance for a fresh start. What better way to do that than by changing up your living situation? It could be a small change, like moving to a different but close-by neighborhood, or a big change, like moving across the country, but relocation in any shape or form is definitely a midlife crisis sign.
10. Compare himself
Another thing a man will often do during this time is compare himself to other men. He may look at other guys his age and think, “he’s so much fitter than me,” or “he’s more successful than me,” or “he’s got better hair than me.” This feeling of needing to compare can trigger lots of the things on this list, like focusing on exercise or changing up his hairstyle.
11. Dye his hair
Whether he’s doing a subtle dye job to cover up some greys or something more serious, a hair change is so common when it comes to midlife crises. We admit it’s probably a lot easier to dye your hair hot pink or bright blue when you have a midlife crisis to blame it on.
12. Focus on his looks
Seemingly out of nowhere, he’ll notice some new grey hair, maybe a receding hairline, or the fact that he can’t make it up the stairs without gasping for air. This might cause him to spiral about his age and no longer feel attractive. He’ll likely want to switch up some things so he can boost his self-esteem.
13. Think about death
As you get older, lots of alarm bells start ringing. It could be brought on by the death of a parent or a close friend or even a scary health diagnosis—the more you age the more it feels like time is running out.
14. Quit his job
Maybe he’s always liked his job or maybe he’s never been much of a fan, but either way, midlife crises have a way of “putting things into perspective.” It’s not uncommon for a man to wake up and ponder his place in the corporate dumpster fire he’s been working in for decades.
15. Change his diet
He used to pull up to the drive-thru like it was his job. But now? He’s switched out burgers and nuggets for tofu and green juice. That’s probably because he’s starting to freak out about aging, his health, and doing what he can to live as long as possible.
16. Buy a motorcycle
Instead of getting the Ferrari or BMW, he may opt for a “cooler” (albeit less safe) option: a motorcycle. Sure, it’s one of those things that’s often depicted in pop culture, but it does happen in real life. Getting a motorcycle is a symbol of freedom and independence and can help find adventure in life.
17. Impulse purchase
That could look like super expensive high-tech gadgets or an electric guitar—whatever he buys, he feels as though those things will bring him excitement and fulfillment. There’s a good chance these things will be collecting dust in a few months, but they serve their intended purpose while they’re being used.
18. Try a new lifestyle
It could be something like selling all of his stuff to live in an RV or quitting meat cold turkey and going fully vegan. Whatever it is, a guy who switches up their lifestyle faster than you can say “midlife crisis” is going through it and wants to break free from all of the norms they currently know.
19. He’ll thrill-seek
He just wants to feel something, okay? Whether that’s high-risk like bungee jumping or race-car driving or lower-risk like an escape room or riding roller coasters, men who are going through a midlife crisis are looking for excitement.
20. Become less interested in his kids
Midlife crises can be a chance for self-reflection and self-discovery. Sometimes, those things come at a price. Focusing inward can lead him to become super preoccupied with his own life and concerns, which affects the attention and energy he’s able to give to his family.
21. Change his haircut
The funny thing about this one is that he’ll have the same haircut for 20 years and then randomly show up one day with a buzz cut or a mohawk. His goal is to look younger—whether he actually achieves that is a whole other thing.
22. Go on a solo trip
A big part of having a midlife crisis is wanting to “find yourself.” Solo travel is a great way to do that. Many men who are dealing with this stage of life want new adventures, to see new things, to try new things, and traveling by themselves allows them to do it.
23. Make new friends
Maybe he joins a volleyball league or a stamp-collecting club, but this middle-aged man has a new crew around him. Engaging in these activities can give him a sense of belonging and purpose. It can also bring a fun, young energy back to life that may have been lost long ago.
24. Get divorced
The sad truth is that nothing lasts forever. When a man is going through a midlife crisis, he takes stock of his life and choices to see what’s working (or not working). It may even feel like he’s intentionally burning it all down so he can start fresh.
25. Abuse substances
This isn’t always the case, but it is common for men who are going through a midlife crisis to rely on substances. Whether that’s alcohol or drugs, it can be a slippery slope. If you or a friend is dealing with their crisis this way, we recommend getting them help.
26. Join a band
Nothing screams midlife crisis more than joining a band. Maybe when he was younger he was a lead singer or maybe he’s just always been super interested in learning how to play the piano, but music is a good avenue for him to explore and rediscover his lost passion and creativity.
27. Get really nostalgic
It’s common for him to start pondering “what if” about past decisions. He’ll look at his life up to now through rose-colored glasses and start entertaining what it might’ve been like if he had married his high school girlfriend or gone to a different school. This is a fantasy meant for him to escape his everyday routine.
28. Display classic depression symptoms
Maybe he got laid off and is in shock or it’s something else, but difficult life events can trigger depression and make a midlife crisis feel worse. This can manifest as a multitude of things—sleeping more, losing his appetite, or just a general disinterest in things that used to excite him.
29. Avoid intimacy
It’s common for a man who may be struggling with things like low self-esteem or life satisfaction to not want to engage in sexual activity. It makes sense, if he’s thinking about his health, mortality, and what his purpose in life is, he might not see sex as the most important thing.
30. Say he’s bored with life
Whether he’s bored because he can’t fulfill his passions or he’s accomplished so much that it feels like there’s nothing left to do, this is super common. Besides, think about it: he’s probably been engaging in the same routines for the last 30-plus years! We could see how that may feel boring.
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