Why Your 30s Really Are The Best Years Of Your Life

Why Your 30s Really Are The Best Years Of Your Life

What is it about turning 30 that seems so terrifying? Saying goodbye to our 20s means we’re full blown adults, and we can no longer hide behind the excuse of being young and stupid. That’s a good thing — turns out, your 30s really are the best years of your life.

  1. You’ve laid the groundwork and you’ve got your act together. For the most part you’ve put all the pieces of the puzzle together to get your life on track for real adulthood. You get out of your bed in your grown up home, go to your grown up job, and come home to cook a grown up meal. Having the basics of life completely covered on your own feels freaking amazing, doesn’t it?
  2. You know what real responsibility is. You no longer shrug off your credit card bill and crazy purchases with the phrase “YOLO!” You pay the hell out of your bills because it just plain feels great when you do it, and when you have money left over to buy other grown up things like wine and home decor pieces, you’re extra thrilled.
  3. Your friends are also your family, and you’ve weeded out the flakes. Your social circle shrinks by the time you hit 30, and that’s because you’ve weeded out the drama makers and cut ties with people who don’t share your general approach to life. The good news is that even though you have a smaller crew, you’re closer than ever before and you couldn’t imagine life without them.
  4. You’ve discovered low key partying is actually a ton of fun. Gone are the days of standing in lines outside of a club, only to have drinks spilled all over you once you get inside. Instead, there are wine tastings, happy hours at lounges, and the welcome addition of dinner parties. Getting a good buzz on and waking up in your own bed is way more satisfying than spending half your paycheck just to wake up feeling like crap and broke.
  5. You start to celebrate relevant life events. It’s not just about birthdays anymore; you’re celebrating real and wonderful life events with the people you care about. Housewarming parties, weddings, and baby showers are a worthy reason to raise a glass and congratulate. You feel genuine joy when you see your other friends succeeding and living happily at 30. After all, we’re all on this crazy journey together.
  6. You start to give a damn about your health, so you feel way better. You can’t just stuff your face with McDonald’s and pizza anymore like you used to. You might indulge sometimes, but you’ve realized the benefits of taking the time to prepare healthy meals and fit exercise into your life. Not only do you look better, but you feel a lot happier knowing you’re doing great things for your physical and emotional health.
  7. People take you more seriously. Because when your age rolls off your tongue, even you feel more confident about yourself and people can see that. You’re in your 30s now and you’re not afraid to own it.
  8. You have grown up paychecks and savings, too. Did someone say financial stability? What feels better than knowing you’re bringing home enough bacon to fully sustain yourself? Nothing compares.
  9. You’re at peace with your body. We spend a lot of our 20s obsessing over our insecurities, but in your 30s, you’ve learned to truly accept yourself for who you are. You don’t inherently beat yourself up over your imperfections, and even when you do try to make improvements, you make those choices from a healthy place.
  10. You know better from experience. Your 30s are the best years of your life because the mental shift that takes place not only shows you you’re an adult, it also shows you that you no longer give a crap about what anyone thinks and are happy just doing you without anyone else’s approval. Viva 30!