Tinder can by trying – the sheer volume of men to swipe through that could potentially be the love of your life can be intimidating. Why not let your BFF take over your Tinder? Not only will it save your pointer finger the anguish of seemingly endless swiping, but chances are, if you’re on Tinder, you need a little outside help picking the perfect partner.
- You’ll see that looks aren’t everything. It’s easy to get caught up in swiping left or right based solely on appearances, but if you don’t actually click on someone’s profile to see if you’re compatible, it could be all for naught. Sure, you need to be attracted to your date or mate, but attraction and chemistry can also grow with time. Your bestie will have your best interest at heart and knows that a good brain and good heart is a better match for you than rock hard abs.
- You’ll get what you need. We may think that we know what we want out of a potential partner, but it’s not necessarily what we need. Since your BFF has been around for your past romantic blunders and failed relationships, they’re able to clearly see the types of qualities you need in a mate that you may not even know you’re looking for. They also know what kinds of guys are your weaknesses that you should avoid like the plague.
- You’ll be pushed out of your comfort zone. Life’s silly sense of humor usually has us ending up with people who have qualities we thought we’d hate. If you always stay in your comfort zone, you’ll never know. Some of those dates probably won’t go anywhere, but it’s always better to test the waters than always stay on the beach on the sidelines. Your bestie taking over your Tinder will ensure you don’t play it safe.
- You won’t be able to over-analyze. When there’s potential with a guy and you start to crush on him, you begin to overanalyze all of his messages and send them to three people to approve before you send it to him. If your BFF controls your messages, you won’t be able to agonize over whether using an exclamation point will make you seem desperate or overeager, or if using a period shows a lack of enthusiasm.
- You’ll finally get to keep it PG. It’s really easy to get carried away with flirting, especially when there seemingly aren’t any consequences. You don’t even know each other’s last names, for God’s sake. But getting too flirty too fast is a huge mistake – and Tinder is a hotbed of unwanted penis pics. If your best friend is manning your account, they will be able to make sure that both the messages you send and receive are appropriate and respectful.
- You’ll be excited by the mystery. If you give your bestie full reign of your Tinder account and allow them to set up dates for guys they’ve vetted, it’s not technically a blind date. Meeting a guy who’s crossed all of their Ts and dotted all of their Is and gotten your bestie’s seal of approval is exciting. You may not have chosen this guy, but someone who knows you and wants to find someone amazing has. As agonizing as it is, life wouldn’t be exciting if we knew exactly who we are going to end up with. Allowing your BFF to take the reigns allows you to be full of anticipation and hopefully after you meet, you still have butterflies in your stomach.