7 Reasons You Should Move To A New City At Least Once In Your Life

7 Reasons You Should Move To A New City At Least Once In Your Life

According to the law of physics, an object in motion stays in motion, just as an object at rest stays at rest. This applies to real life, too; if you remain in the same exact environment your entire life, you’ll be stuck with familiar yet boring surroundings and are missing out on the big wide world around you. This is why people travel, and it’s how we grow. At some point in your life, you need to be exposed to a place that’s completely different from what you’re used to, and you’ll be surprised at how much you learn about yourself and the people around you when you do. It may seem scary, but here are 7 reasons why you should pack up and move to a new city at least once in your life.

  1. Experience new things and make new memories. It’s a whole wide world out there – go explore it. If you stay in one place, you’ll continue to experience the same things and be with the same people. You need to spice it up a bit and go somewhere that’s the completely opposite of the place you were raised, or the place you’ve been living for the past decade. Diversify yourself and be open to new experiences.
  2. Enjoy taking risks while you still can. When you get older and have to take on more and more adult responsibilities, it’ll be more difficult to set aside time to travel. Once you get married, root yourself in a certain location, and start having kids, it’s not so easy to pack up and leave without hesitation. Now’s the time to travel and try on somewhere new for size. You’ll look back at that time in your life and be grateful for taking that risk.
  3. Step outside of your circle and meet new people. You never know the kinds of connections you could make when you go somewhere new. You could fall in love, network with people who have a similar profession, or just make new friends in general and expand your social circle. Either way, it will only enrich you to hang out with people you didn’t attend kindergarten through high school with.
  4. Dive into a different culture. Expand your mindset and learn about how other people live their lives. Not every town, state, and country operates the same way. Every area has its own unique culture and you can learn a lot about people and the world around you when you immerse yourself in it.
  5. Move your career in the right direction. Depending on your field, there could be way more career opportunities for you in a new city. It all depends on what you want to do and what you’re looking to accomplish. Certain markets cater more towards certain jobs. Either way, just see what else is out there. Your dream job could be on the other side of the world and you don’t even know it unless you go there and see for yourself.
  6. Learn how to be truly independent. Having a strong support system is always necessary when you’re going through hard times, but you can’t always depend on the people around you to be there to pick you up when you fall. Sometimes, you have to go through things by yourself and learn how to deal with life’s problems on your own. It’s tough, but it’ll make you a stronger person.
  7. Gain a sense of freedom. When you break away from the familiar, you gain a sense of freedom from the things that you know. It’s liberating to go somewhere and not know a single soul or have any ties to a specific person or place. You can start a brand new life, reinvent yourself, and discover things about yourself that you knew knew.
Lindsey is a Digital Advertising Professional and Freelance Writer based in New York City. In her spare time, she enjoys running, traveling, and drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee. Follow her on Twitter @lindseyruns