7 Things You Need To Do To Ensure You’re Broken Up For Good

We all have that one friend who just can’t seem to stay away from their ex-boyfriend. No matter how hard you try, they continue in an on-again, off-again relationship until it drives everyone crazy. But what if that person inevitably ends up being you? What if, one day, your heart is stuck with someone you know is bad for you and you can’t seem to let go? If you’re starting to feel like you need a clean break, these tips may be right for you. Here’s how to break up for good this time.

  1. Have An Honest Conversation. While this may be the hardest part about breaking up, it’s necessary to be honest with your partner. Tell them what is and isn’t working about the relationship and why you think it would be better if you didn’t see each other anymore. Explain how the on-again, off-again relationship has made you feel. This will help both of you to do better in your romantic entanglements in the future.
  2. Get Rid of Their Stuff. True, he may have given you the best gifts in the world — stuffed animals, knick-knacks, his favorite sweater. But these things only serve as reminders of him. Worse, they may tempt you to return to your ex, continuing the toxic relationship that you’re trying to get away from. Throw these things away, or at the very least, donate them to a local charity. Someone else will have better use for them, and you will feel like you can start afresh without a constant reminder of what could have been.
  3. Delete or Block Their Phone Number. For many, this step is the hardest. After all, what’s the harm in checking up on how your ex is doing once in a while? The issue is that this may tempt both parties into becoming closer emotionally and rekindling the relationship. To avoid hurt feelings, and slipping back into your patterns, delete or block your ex’s phone number to save you some heartache. You’ll find it’s much easier to live a stress-free life when you aren’t constantly talking to a previous romantic flame.
  4. Unfriend Them Off Your Social Media. This goes without saying, but if you are going to block them on your phone, you should unfriend them on social media as well. It may be tempting to stalk your ex on Facebook or Instagram to see if they have a new partner, but this decision only leads to envy and pain. Do yourself a favor and wipe your ex out of your life and off your phone screen if you want to start anew.
  5. Don’t Fall Into Bad Habits. Some people resort to texting their ex, or even becoming emotionally toxic and harmful to themselves after experiencing a breakup. They may isolate or sink into depression. Don’t let this heartache last forever. Though ending a relationship is hard, you have to realize that on the other side of it is a brand new you. Someone who thrives and is independent. Someone who loves themselves first, before loving someone else.
  6. Go To Therapy. A perfect way to cope with the stress and depression of an ended relationship is to talk to a therapist. Your local therapist may have all the secrets to getting over a breakup. They can help you through your rough times, sad times, and times when you may feel tempted to text him again. Therapy can help you grow emotionally, and it’s a good idea to have someone in your life who is guaranteed to give you good and healthy advice. While your besties may be extremely supportive of you, a qualified therapist with a degree can often understand your patterns and behaviors and explain how to break them.
  7. Find A Fun Hobby. You may feel bored now that you don’t have a boyfriend to spend your time with. So, consider finding a new hobby. Take up knitting or cross-stitch. Read some fantasy novels or paint a beautiful portrait. Play soccer or even badminton. Whatever the case, a new hobby will help distract you from the breakup. It may even build up your confidence that life can still be good without that person. In fact, it can be even better!