8 Signs He’s Ready To Settle Down

8 Signs He’s Ready To Settle Down

So you’ve been dating for a while and he seems committed to the relationship — but how much is he really committed to you? Is your relationship forever, or just for now? It’s a tough question to answer without outright asking, but that can scare a man off. If you really want to know if he’s in it for the long haul, look for these 8 signs that he’s ready to settle down:

  1. He’s already made some commitment. Do you live together? Did you get a dog? These are big commitments and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If he’s already shown signs of taking big steps in your relationship, there’s a good chance he’ll sign up for a lifetime. 
  2. He talks about your future. Settling down means building a life together, so your future is no longer your own. Talking about a shared future means he’s at least considered the idea of a lifelong commitment. When your man starts making long term plans with you in them, you know it’s not just a fling.
  3. He’s less interested in going out. A party boy is not ready for the responsibilities of being a husband. That doesn’t mean he can never go out, but when a man starts getting serious, he starts slowing down. He’ll start feeling more comfortable staying home with you rather than at the bar with his friends.
  4. He starts discussing money. Getting married means joint checking accounts, mutual funds, and 401ks. You’ll start thinking harder about your purchases and saving for your future. After marriage, you’ll have a lot of expenses and big purchases. A man thinking about marriage sees dollar signs everywhere he looks, and he’ll share his desire to save with you.
  5. He’s made your relationship a priority. Men who aren’t serious about their relationship tend to put it last in their list of priorities. Just because a man cares about his career doesn’t mean you should feel less important in his life. Sure, he’ll still have other commitments, but it should be clear that your happiness is on his radar.
  6. You feel secure in the relationship. So many women can’t admit the insecurities that they feel in their relationship. Pretending everything is fine only results in a messier end. If you honestly feel completely secure and confident in your relationship, it’s a good sign for the final relationship step: marriage. 
  7. He misses you. When you’re apart (and you should have some time apart) you should both be missing one another. Does he call when he’s out of town? Check in through text messages? Does he say the words: “I miss you”? Well, if he’s serious he does. It’s natural to miss your loved ones when you’re away. When he’s truly missing you, you’ll know it.
  8. He cares about your needs. A person in love puts their partner’s needs before their own. Is your man caring and attentive? If you’re spending too long wondering if he is, the answer is right in front of you, it’s just probably not the one you wanted. You shouldn’t have to guess, whether or not he cares should be obvious.
Kelsey Dykstra is a freelance writer based in Huntington Beach, CA. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University and been writing professionally since graduating in 2013. In addition to writing about love and relationships for Bolde and lifestyle topics for Love to Know, she also writes about payment security and small business solutions for PaymentCloud.

Originally from Michigan, this warm weather seeker relocated to the OC just last summer. Kelsey enjoys writing her own fictional pieces, reading a variety of young adult novels, binging on Netflix, and of course soaking up the sun.

You can find more about Kelsey on her LinkedIn profile or on Twitter @dykstrakelsey.