8 Signs You’ve Finally Found A Guy Who Can Handle You

8 Signs You’ve Finally Found A Guy Who Can Handle You

Being a strong woman means understanding that some things in life are a given: death, taxes and guys being intimidated by you. So when you find a guy you suspect may finally be on your level, it’s tempting to want to hold on to him for life. Here are some signs you’ve found a guy who can truly handle you:

  1. He doesn’t back down from a fight. He doesn’t just shut down the second things start getting heated. This doesn’t mean he needs to love fighting with you, but he should be able to hold his own in a conflict. He’s not going to give in easily just to restore the peace, and he’s going to fight FOR you too. Both are equally important signs.
  2. He likes your quirks. He doesn’t just put up with them — he genuinely enjoys them. He doesn’t make you feel bad that you can’t sleep without a light on or that you enjoy dipping chips into cream cheese. Your quirks make you, you, and he accepts that.
  3. He’s not afraid of you. He’s never tried to make you afraid of him, either. If he can stand up to your more dominant traits or, better yet, find a way to always make it a level playing field, he’s definitely worth keeping around.
  4. He doesn’t get angry when you lash out. You’re not proud of it but it happens sometimes, and he accepts that as a condition of being a human. You can be messy and angry sometimes and so can he, but the important thing is he’s keeping a level head when you’re on fire (and you can return the favor). Two firebrands might make a lot of fireworks, but they’re not the most compatible in relationship settings. You might need to take turns, but that’s okay.
  5. Everyone notices how kind he is. Kindness is the most underrated trait in a man. Women aren’t trained to look for it, but you should be keeping an eye out for it. If one of the top things that people notice about him is how kind he is, to everyone — that’s a man who can handle you, too.
  6. When you’re low, he’s willing to meet you there. You can’t be a woman on top of the world 24/7 because no one can. When you’re at a low point, and he comes to meet you on that level? That’s a man worth spending time on.
  7. He gets when you need space. If he can take the hint that you need some time to yourself? That’s a great sign. Even better is if he doesn’t make it about himself. Everyone needs time to recharge or spend time with other people, and that’s not something he should make you feel guilty about. If he gives you space without complaint, he’s a man who can handle you as you are.
  8. He’s invested in your success. He’s all about not only your success but the success of your relationship as a whole. He’s rooting for you to make your dreams reality, and he’s there to back you up when you need him. If he’s putting in the work for your relationship to be a good one too, hold on to that dude and never let him go because he’s a keeper.
Becca Rose is a writer with high hopes for her student loan debt. She's a musician and aspiring novelist, but don't ask her to write poetry, because she's terrible at it. She has written for HelloGiggles, The Toast, The Huffington Post, and more. You can find her on Twitter @bookbeaut