8 Ways To Show Your Partner You Care While Apart During Quarantine

8 Ways To Show Your Partner You Care While Apart During Quarantine

It’s a difficult time for everyone for sure right now, but it’s particularly hard for those who are separated from their partner with no clear indication of when they’ll be reunited. It may not be possible for you to be with the person you love right now, then there are ways that you can show your partner how much you care about them without physically being close to them. Here are a few ideas.

  1. Video calls can be the next best thing. If you can’t see them face to face then seeing them through a phone or a laptop might be the closest you’ll get to feeling like you’re with them. It can’t ever replace seeing them in person but it can help you to feel closer to each other. Some of us rely on physical touch for reassurance but emotional intimacy is also very important. Try to make the most of these video calls by checking in on them, asking questions, and trying to make each other smile in these really difficult times.
  2. Send a card. Not many people send cards or letters anymore unless it’s for someone’s birthday, but it’s a good way of letting someone know that you care a lot about them. There doesn’t need to be a special occasion either — sometimes it’s nice to receive a little reminder that someone is thinking about you through the mail. If you know your partner is really struggling at the moment then include an encouraging message to show that they’ll always have your support.
  3. Send daily reminders. A lot of us need some daily encouragement right now because we don’t know when there will be an end to this. We don’t even know if things will ever feel normal again. Being separated from your partner can make you feel more even more isolated, so it’s important to keep checking up on them and sending them reminders of why you love them and why you’ll both get through it. It can make a big difference.
  4. Let them know that you are there. Telling someone that you’re there for them is just as important as showing them that you’re there for them. They might be holding things back from you because they don’t want you to worry about them when you have your own problems, so it’s down to you to remind them that you’re in this together. Neither of you should feel like you’re going through this alone.
  5. Send them a gift. You don’t need a special occasion to get your partner a gift, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money either. Some flowers or a handmade present would make them feel really special and it’s a good reminder that you’re thinking about them and that you want to make them smile.
  6. Plan a virtual dinner date. These complicated times have forced couples to become a little bit more creative when planning dates. Going out for a meal isn’t an option anymore and if you don’t live with your partner, then having dinner together at home isn’t an option either. So what can you do instead? Well, a dinner date can still work over a video call. It might feel a bit weird at first if you’re not used to it, but for some long-distance relationships, this is actually pretty normal for them. Sometimes you just have to work with what you’ve got.
  7. Ask them what they need. This is an important part of any relationship but it’s even more essential when we’re experiencing a pandemic and in need of some extra support. They might be putting on a brave face and pretending that they’re okay when they’re not, so try to ask them what they need from you. Perhaps a video call or a phone call every day is what will help them get through this. Asking them what they need without them having to tell you is a good way of showing them how much you care.
  8. Let them know how important their mental health is. We should be encouraging people to open up about their mental health all of the time but right now it’s more important than ever. Even if your partner is usually someone who’s positive and happy most of the time, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t feeling really lonely and anxious during this pandemic. This is a crisis that most of us have never experienced before so even those who wouldn’t usually be struggling with their mental health are now faced with stress and anxiety. Keep asking them how they’re doing because not only will it bring you even closer, but it will let them know that they have someone in their life who genuinely cares and wants the best for them.
Coralle is a freelance writer with an interest in relationships, women's health and parenting. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching new Netflix shows and spending time with family.