16 Things Only People Who Are Completely Delusional Say

16 Things Only People Who Are Completely Delusional Say

We’ve all encountered delusional people who seem to live in their own reality. Their statements often reflect a disconnect from the world as it is, veering into the realm of the unrealistic or the exaggerated. While everyone can have moments of wishful thinking, people who are habitually delusional tend to express certain viewpoints that stand out as particularly disconnected from the common experience.

1. “I’ll start tomorrow.”

We’ve all heard or said this classic line. It’s the anthem of procrastinators and dreamers (and delusional people). The truth? Tomorrow often turns into never. It’s easy to put off tasks, convincing ourselves that we’ll magically be more motivated in the future. But the reality is, if it’s not important enough to start today, it might never be. The key is to break the cycle, start small, and take that first step now. Remember, every big achievement starts with the decision to try, no matter how small the effort.

2. “Everyone is out to get me.”

This one’s a classic sign of feeling like the world revolves around us – but not in a good way. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that every side glance or whispered conversation is about us. But here’s the thing: most people are too busy with their own lives to plot against us. It’s important to remember that not every action is a reaction to us. Stepping back and seeing the bigger picture often helps in realizing that it’s not a ‘me against the world’ scenario.

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4. “I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember it.”

How many times have we said this only to forget later? Our brains are incredible, but they’re not infallible. Believing we can remember every detail without fail is a bit of self-deception. Life’s busy, and things slip through the cracks. There’s no shame in jotting down notes or setting reminders. In fact, it’s smarter. It’s about working efficiently, not testing our memory under unnecessary pressure.

5. “I can easily do what that expert does.”

It’s great to have confidence, but let’s be realistic. Experts spend years honing their skills. To think we can match them overnight is wishful thinking. It’s not about doubting our abilities but recognizing that expertise comes with time and effort. Everyone starts as a beginner, and there’s a learning curve. Acknowledging this doesn’t mean selling ourselves short, it means we’re setting ourselves up for a realistic and achievable journey to expertise.

6. “It’s fine; I don’t need to see a doctor.”

This statement is often a mix of denial and fear, but it’s a hallmark of delusional people. We tell ourselves it’s nothing serious to avoid confronting the possibility that it might be. But health isn’t something to gamble with. Ignoring symptoms or delaying a doctor’s visit can turn minor issues into major problems. It’s better to be safe and get checked out. After all, peace of mind is priceless, and if there is an issue, catching it early makes all the difference.

7. “It won’t happen to me.”

We often feel invincible, like bad things only happen to others. But life is unpredictable. Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t. This mindset can lead to risky decisions or a lack of preparation. Acknowledging that we’re not immune to life’s twists and turns is a step towards responsible decision-making and readiness for whatever comes our way.

8. “I know a secret that nobody else knows.”

Believing we’re privy to exclusive information can be thrilling, but it’s often a delusion. It feeds into a sense of self-importance and detachment from reality. Rarely are we the sole keeper of some groundbreaking secret. It’s important to stay grounded and recognize that while we might have unique insights, the chances of having exclusive knowledge on a large scale are slim. It’s a reminder to stay humble and connected to the world around us.

9. “They’re jealous of me.”

This claim can be a defense mechanism to protect our ego. It’s easier to believe others are jealous than to confront our own insecurities or flaws. The truth is, jealousy isn’t as common as we might think. Most people are too caught up in their own lives to spend time envying others. This phrase often reveals more about our own feelings of inadequacy or desire for validation than about anyone else’s emotions.

10. “I’m the only one who really understands.”

Thinking we’re the sole bearers of understanding in a situation can be isolating and a bit arrogant. It’s rare that we’re the only ones with insight into a matter. This mindset closes us off to others’ perspectives and experiences. True wisdom lies in knowing that understanding is a collective effort, enriched by different viewpoints. Opening up to others’ ideas doesn’t diminish our own; it enhances it.

11. “I’ll be discovered one day.”

This is the dreamer’s mantra, often used to avoid the hard work necessary to achieve goals. Relying on chance or fate to be ‘discovered’ is a risky bet. Success usually comes from hard work and perseverance, not waiting to be noticed. The reality is, if we want to achieve something, we need to take active steps towards it, not wait for a lucky break.

12. “Rules don’t apply to me.”

Feeling exempt from rules is a risky delusion. It suggests a sense of entitlement or superiority. While it’s true that some rules can be flexible, believing that none apply to us is a recipe for trouble. Rules are often in place for good reasons, like safety or fairness. Ignoring them can lead to consequences that affect not just us but those around us as well.

13. “If I ignore it, it will go away.”

This is the classic ostrich-head-in-sand approach. Ignoring a problem rarely makes it disappear; it usually makes things worse. Problems tend to grow when left unattended. Tackling issues head-on, no matter how unpleasant, is often the best approach. It’s about facing reality and taking control of the situation, rather than letting it control us.

14. “I’m sure it’s nothing important.”

Downplaying issues or potential opportunities as ‘nothing important’ can be a form of self-sabotage. It’s a way to avoid taking action or acknowledging that something might require our attention. Whether it’s a small health concern or an opportunity at work, it’s better to give it the attention it deserves. Often, what seems minor can turn out to be significant, and recognizing this can lead to better outcomes.

15. “Everyone agrees with me.”

Asserting that everyone is on our side can be comforting but it’s rarely true. It’s a blanket statement that overlooks the diversity of opinions and experiences. Believing this without question can close us off to valuable feedback and different perspectives. Healthy discourse involves recognizing and respecting that others might have differing views, and that’s okay. It’s through understanding these differences that we grow

16. “I’ll be happy when I achieve this one thing.”

This is the classic trap of conditional happiness. We tell ourselves that happiness lies just one achievement away. But once we get there, the goalpost often moves. True happiness is about finding contentment in the journey, not just the destination. It’s important to enjoy the process and find joy in the present moment, rather than constantly deferring happiness to a future that may never come as expected.

17. “I don’t need to plan; I’ll just go with the flow.”

While being adaptable is a strength, relying solely on ‘going with the flow’ can lead to missed opportunities and unmet goals. Planning doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible; it means you’re prepared. It’s about setting a direction for yourself so you can make informed decisions along the way. Without some form of planning, we can easily drift off course or find ourselves unprepared for challenges that come our way.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.