14 Ways To Unleash Your Body Confidence And Believe In Your Beauty

14 Ways To Unleash Your Body Confidence And Believe In Your Beauty

It’s not easy to feel good in your own skin, but it’s important to find peace with your body so that you can walk through the world with confidence and a belief in the power of your own beauty. That’s fine and well, of course, but how do you get there? Here are some things you can do to start changing your feelings about what you see about the person looking back at you in the mirror.

1. Ditch the comparison game.

Stop sizing yourself up against other people. That Instagram model? Her life and body aren’t your benchmarks. Comparing yourself to literally anyone else is a never-ending, pointless game. Your body is unique, and that’s its power. Every time you catch yourself making comparisons, shut it down. Remember, the only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday. Why would you want to be like anyone else when you can be you?

2. Practice positive self-talk.

Beautiful Caucasian plus size woman in her bedroom, looking at herself in a big mirror, applying her morning cosmetics.

Talking kindly to yourself might feel weird at first, but it’s crucial. Cut out the inner critic. When you look in the mirror, instead of picking apart your flaws, focus on what you love. Sounds cheesy, but it works. Repeat affirmations that make you feel strong and confident. Over time, this positive chatter will start feeling more natural and genuine. Make it a habit to say something positive to yourself every day. It could be as simple as, “I love the way my hair looks today,” or “I have a great smile.” Positive self-talk can gradually shift your mindset and improve the way you see yourself.

3. Dress for yourself, not for anyone else.

Reflection in a mirror of happy woman choosing what to wear at home. Copy space.

Wear what makes you feel awesome. If you love it, rock it, regardless of trends or opinions. When you dress for yourself, you exude confidence. It’s not about the price tag or the brand; it’s about how you feel in your clothes. If it makes you feel like a boss, that’s the outfit for you. Feeling good in your clothes can have a big impact on your confidence. It’s not about what’s trendy; it’s about what makes you feel like the best version of yourself. If this is something you struggle with, especially when it comes to how you look when dating, check out our sister site, Sweetn. They have some great advice on how to shift your mindset and find confidence from within, not from external validation. You can visit them here.

4. Take care of your body.

Fit young woman smiling at the camera while sitting in a yoga studio with her class in the background. Happy young woman having a workout session with her class in a fitness studio.

Taking care of your body isn’t just about looks; it’s about feeling good. Find a form of exercise you actually enjoy. Eat foods that make you feel energetic and alive. When you treat your body well, it shows. This isn’t about hitting a certain size or achieving a certain look; it’s about respecting and nurturing the body you have and feeling good and healthy.

5. Celebrate all the things your body is capable of.

One woman cyclist cycling on a country road. Woman cycling alone on a beautiful sunny day.

Your body is amazing. It lets you experience life in so many ways. Celebrate that. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, laughing, or just breathing deeply, appreciate what your body can do. Every stretch, every step, is a testament to your body’s strength and resilience. Focus on these abilities, not just appearance. This appreciation for all the things your body can do shifts the focus from appearance to functionality.

6. Challenge beauty stereotypes (because they’re BS anyway).

Portrait of Asian woman with dye hair in the street

Those beauty standards? They’re made up. They change every decade and vary across cultures. So why limit yourself to a mold that’s both arbitrary and unrealistic? Start questioning these norms. Celebrate diverse beauty in others and yourself. Recognize that beauty is multifaceted and can’t be boxed into a single stereotype. Be the person who breaks the mold, not the one trying to fit into it.

7. Create a personal style lookbook.

Attractive young girl in stylish clothes by mood board

If you’ve never done this before, it can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually effective and fun. Gather images of outfits that make you feel powerful and confident. Don’t just copy trends; tailor them to your taste. Mix, match, and experiment. This lookbook isn’t just about fashion; it’s a visual representation of your unique identity and confidence. Use it as a guide to develop and refine a style that screams “you.”

8. Try body-positive art or personal projects.

Diversity in gym class doing workout, training and exercise. Multicultural, happy and diverse people with different body shape and size exercising and active at a gym for fitness, wellness and cardio

This could be anything from drawing to writing poetry, focusing on themes of self-love and body acceptance. If art isn’t your thing, try DIY projects that celebrate your body, like customizing clothes that flatter your shape. These creative outlets not only foster positivity but also reinforce a deep, personal connection with your body.

9. Start a gratitude journal for your body.

A smiling plus size woman sitting at her desk and writing a journal.

Write down things you’re thankful for about your body. (Don’t say there’s nothing to write down because that’s just not true.) Maybe it’s your strong legs that carry you, or your hands that create and care. This journal is a daily reminder of how incredible and capable your body is. Over time, this practice shifts your focus from what you think your body lacks to all the amazing things it offers.

10. Plan solo photo shoots.

Head and shoulders view of Caucasian woman with braided hair wearing plaid shirt over t-shirt and smiling at camera.

Organize a photoshoot just for you. Dress in outfits that make you feel fabulous. Play with poses and settings that highlight your favorite aspects of yourself. These photoshoots are about seeing yourself in a new light and celebrating who you are. Plus, you’ll have a bunch of awesome photos that boost your confidence every time you see them. Imagine how lit your Instagram feed/Stories are going to be when you post all the amazing shots you got.

11. Go to some body-positive workshops or events.

Tilt image of business colleagues doing team building activity in office

Attend workshops or events focused on body positivity — they exist, especially in big cities (but lots of other places too). These gatherings are full of like-minded people who are all about embracing and celebrating different body types. It’s a great way to learn, grow, and connect with people who uplift each other. These events can reinforce your journey towards self-acceptance and provide new perspectives on body confidence.

12. Perform acts of kindness for your body.

Smiling woman embracing herself at home. Copy space.

Treat your body with the same kindness you’d show a loved one. This could be as simple as a relaxing bath, a nourishing meal, or a gentle yoga session. These acts of kindness are a way to show appreciation for your body. It’s about nurturing yourself both physically and emotionally, and acknowledging the incredible vessel that carries you through life.

13. Create a body-positive affirmation wall.

Strategy, planning and woman writing an idea, schedule or agenda on a sticky note board at work. Goal, creative and employee with an agenda, brainstorming and vision with project management notes

Designate a space in your home for a body-positive affirmation wall. Fill it with quotes, images, and anything else that reminds you to love your body. This wall serves as a daily visual cue to embrace and celebrate your body just as it is. It’s a powerful tool in transforming how you see yourself and reinforcing positive self-talk.

14. Surround yourself with body-positive messaging.

Beautiful, smiling young woman writing the word LOVE and XOXO with red lipstick on a mirror. Focus on the woman's reflection.

Curate your media consumption to include body-positive content. Follow influencers who promote body diversity and acceptance. Read books and listen to podcasts that celebrate all body types. The messages you expose yourself to can significantly impact your self-perception, so make sure they’re uplifting and affirming. Surrounding yourself with positive messaging reinforces the belief in your own beauty and worth.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.