16 Signs You’re in an Unhappy Relationship Even Though You Love Each Other

It’s possible to love someone and be completely wrong for each other. Maybe you realize you want totally different things in life or the passion and spark you once had has died and you feel more like roommates than romantic partners these days. Here’s how you know you’re in an unhappy relationship and need to get out, no matter how much you care about each other.

1. You’re constantly walking on eggshells around them.

Upset couple at home. Handsome man and beautiful young woman are having quarrel. Sitting on sofa together. Family problems.

Even though there’s love, every conversation feels tense, as if you’re constantly trying to avoid saying the wrong thing. This kind of communication, where you’re always on edge, is a sign that things aren’t as happy as they could be. Healthy relationships should allow open, honest, and comfortable exchanges, not ones filled with nervousness.

2. Your future plans couldn’t be more different.

You love each other, but when it comes to talking about the future, your visions don’t match up. Whether it’s about career goals, living situations, or lifestyle choices, there’s no way you can be happy if you want entirely different things. In a fulfilling relationship, there’s a sense of excitement and agreement about the years to come.

3. You feel lonely even when you’re together.

Difficult family conversation, crisis relations, distrust, establishment trusting relationships, after quarrel, tries understanding, offer go family psychologist. Husband and wife support each other

This sense of isolation points to an emotional or intellectual gap. Ideally, being with your partner should feel like a haven of understanding and connection, not a lonely experience of complete solitude. When you’re together but still feel alone, it’s a clear sign that the emotional dynamics of the relationship need attention.

4. Small irritations always turn into major issues.

bored couple sitting on the couchiStock/stockbusters

Minor annoyances that used to roll off your back have started to become major points of contention these days. This shift from tolerance to irritation can be a symptom of deeper unhappiness in the relationship. It’s natural to get annoyed from time to time, but when the small stuff starts to significantly impact your relationship, it may be time to call it quits.

5. You no longer confide in each other.

Unhappy couple having argument at home. Family, problem, quarell people concept.

In a happy relationship, your partner is often the first person you want to share news with, good or bad. If you find yourself turning to friends or family before your partner, it might point to a rift in the relationship. This distancing can be a sign of emotional dissatisfaction even if you do truly still love each other.

6. Physical intimacy is either forced or completely nonexistent.

man upset on end of bed, girlfriend behind

Physical affection is a really important part of most romantic relationships. If intimacy starts to feel forced or completely dries up, it’s often a symptom of deeper issues. This doesn’t just refer to what happens in the bedroom, either — it includes all forms of physical closeness. A happy relationship usually has a natural, comfortable level of affection. Without it, what are you doing together?

7. You Often Fantasize About Being Single.

two female friends sitting back to back

Daydreaming about being single or with someone else can be a red flag in a relationship even if you love your partner. These fantasies might indicate a desire for qualities missing in your current relationship. It’s normal to have fleeting thoughts like this, but consistent fantasies about a different life might mean you’re better off living that one instead of your current one.

8. Spending Time Apart is More Enjoyable Than Being Together.

young couple chatting on street

If you find yourself feeling more relaxed and happier when you’re not with your partner, it’s a sign of trouble. Enjoying time apart is healthy, but actually preferring it might mean that your relationship isn’t providing the joy and fulfillment it should. You have to have a balance where both together and apart times are equally satisfying.

9. The Relationship Feels Like a Routine.

woman with crossed arms listening to man speak

When your interactions with each other have become more about going through the motions than enjoying the moments, it’s a sign you have a problem. Relationships should be engaging and enjoyable, not just a series of habitual actions performed out of a sense of duty or habit. Spontaneity and genuine engagement are key ingredients to keeping the spark alive.

10. You Stop Sharing Your Achievements or Worries.

woman taling to partner on bench

Holding back on sharing your successes or concerns with your partner can be a sign of growing emotional distance. In a healthy relationship, partners support and celebrate each other’s achievements and are there to offer comfort during tough times. When these exchanges diminish, it’s often a sign that the emotional bond is weakening.

11. You never laugh together anymore.

couple having serious conversation at table

If the sound of laughter has become a rare occurrence in your relationship, it might be time to reflect on why. Shared humor is an important part of a strong bond as it adds a sense of levity and happiness. A lack of laughter can be a sign of lost connection and that you no longer enjoy each other’s company.

12. You Feel Drained After Spending Time Together.

man looking skeptical at woman

Feeling emotionally or mentally drained after being with your partner rather than rejuvenated can indicate an unhappy relationship. The time you spend together should be uplifting, not something that leaves you feeling depleted. A relationship should be a source of energy and inspiration, not exhaustion.

13. You have a persistent feeling of unfulfillment.

A nagging feeling of unfulfillment, even though you love your partner, suggests that something major is missing. It could be emotional connection, shared goals, or mutual respect – fundamental elements for a happy relationship. Fulfillment in a relationship is crucial and its absence can lead to a lingering sense of dissatisfaction.

14. You never discuss plans or fun activities.

sad woman on edge of bed with boyfriend

If planning enjoyable activities together has fallen by the wayside, it’s often a sign of lost enthusiasm in the relationship. Doing fun things together strengthens bonds and creates shared memories, so not doing it can indicate a lack of interest in nurturing the relationship. Shared experiences are the glue of a relationship, and without them, it can start to unravel.

15. You Avoid Serious Discussions.

Avoiding deep or serious discussions about your relationship, future, or feelings is often a sign of underlying issues. Open and honest communication is what a healthy relationship is all about, and avoiding these talks isn’t going to do you any favors. Avoiding important chats keeps you from growing or fixing underlying issues.

16. Your Personal Growth Feels Stunted.

man and woman walking down stairs outside

Feeling like your personal growth or development is being hindered by the relationship shouldn’t be taken lightly. A supportive partner should encourage your growth and celebrate your progress, not hold you back. If your relationship is destroying your life rather than enhancing it, it might be time to say goodbye.

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Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.