How To Spot An Evil Person From A Mile Away

How To Spot An Evil Person From A Mile Away Shutterstock

Sure, it probably sounds a bit dramatic to refer to someone as “evil,” but you know what they say — if the shoe fits, wear it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who are manipulative, underhanded, and don’t add anything good to the world. Here’s how to recognize someone like that so you can avoid them at all costs.

1. They’re excessively charming.

You meet them, and it’s all fireworks and glitter at first. They’re smooth, too smooth. This isn’t just being friendly; it’s a crafted facade to draw you in. They’ve mastered the art of charm to manipulate and use it as a tool to get what they want. Beware, the charm wears off when they no longer need you.

2. They feed off drama.

They don’t just attract drama; they create it. It’s their way of controlling the narrative and keeping everyone on their toes. If there’s chaos, they’re often at the helm, steering the ship into the storm. They thrive in turmoil because it distracts from their actions. They hate it when things get too calm, and they’ll do anything they can to prevent things getting that way.

3. Their empathy is selective.

They might seem empathetic at times, but it’s a calculated move. Their “compassion” is reserved for situations where they stand to gain. If there’s nothing in it for them, their empathy suddenly disappears. It’s empathy by convenience, not by principle. Plus, it’s all fake — they don’t actually feel for anyone deep down. It’s all for show.

4. They’re masters of deception (read: pathological liars).

man laughing during awkward conversation

Lies are their currency, and they spend them freely. They lie with such conviction that you start doubting your reality. They twist facts, omit details, and rewrite narratives to suit their agenda. It’s a web of deceit designed to trap you. They will gaslight anyone and everyone around them to ensure their version of events is the one that sticks.

5. They manipulate your feelings.

Difficult family conversation, crisis relations, distrust, establishment trusting relationships, after quarrel, tries understanding, offer go family psychologist. Husband and wife support each other

They play puppeteer with your emotions. Compliments, guilt trips — they use them all. It’s a game of emotional chess, and they’re always several moves ahead. They know how to push your buttons to get what they want. Instead of supporting you, they will use your weaknesses against you to their own advantage.

6. They have zero respect for your boundaries.

Young couple having conversation on couch

Your space, physical or emotional, means nothing to them. They’ll overstep, invade, and ignore boundaries without a second thought. It’s a sign of their disregard for anyone else’s comfort or rights. They couldn’t care less how uncomfortable you are or how much of a violation their actions are.

7. They’re never wrong (in their own minds, anyway).

An attentive female soldier listens as her husband discusses

In their world, they don’t make mistakes. If something goes wrong, it’s never their fault. They’ll shift blame, make excuses, or outright deny any wrongdoing. Accountability is a foreign concept to them. If you accuse them of being wrong in any way, it’s obviously because you’re out to get them.

8. Friendship is transactional to them.

Every relationship is a means to an end. They don’t have friends; they have assets. People are valued based on their utility, not their humanity. Once you’re no longer useful, you’re discarded. They don’t have close relationships with anyone at all, and it’s kind of scary that they actually prefer it that way.

9. They take joy in other people’s misery.

Schadenfreude isn’t just a word for them; it’s a lifestyle. They find a twisted joy in seeing other people fail or suffer. It’s a reflection of their deep-seated insecurities and lack of empathy. Sure, it’s tempting to want to root for someone’s downfall if they’ve been awful to you, but evil people don’t want to see anyone happy!

10. Consistency isn’t in their vocab.

Their opinions, loyalties, and beliefs change with the wind. They’re whatever they need to be at any given moment. This inconsistency is a tactic to keep you off-balance and easier to control. You’ll never know where you stand with them, and that’s just how they like it.

11. They fly off the handle at the smallest inconvenience.


Their temper is a hair-trigger, ready to explode over the slightest provocation. It’s a tool of intimidation used to keep people in line through fear. You end up walking on eggshells around them to avoid triggering their terrible temper.

12. Their apologies are hollow.

If they ever do say they’re sorry, it’s strategic, not sincere. Their non-apologies are just another move in their game, often followed by a “but” that justifies their action. It’s an apology without repentance. They don’t think they’ve done anything wrong, so what do they have to be sorry for?

13. Their sense of entitlement is overwhelming.

They believe the world owes them something. Rules are for other people, not for them. They expect preferential treatment and get frustrated when they don’t receive it. This entitlement stems from a deep-seated arrogance and disregard for others.

14. They’re extremely cruel and super casual about it.

Cruel remarks, mean jokes, and belittling comments come naturally to them. It’s not always loud or overt, but it’s there, a constant undercurrent of cruelty in their interactions. It’s a reflection of their lack of empathy and enjoyment in demeaning others.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.