How To Annoy Someone, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

How To Annoy Someone, Based On Their Zodiac Sign Shutterstock

We all have that one person in our lives who just knows how to push our buttons, but did you know that their zodiac sign might have something to do with their annoying behavior? Each sign has its own unique way of getting under your skin. So, if you’re looking to give someone a taste of their own medicine, or just want to know what to watch out for, keep reading. Here’s how to annoy each zodiac sign.


Want to annoy an Aries? Easy. Just slow them down. Aries are all about action and momentum, so anything that gets in their way is sure to drive them crazy, Vogue reveals. Try taking forever to make a decision, or insisting on a long, drawn-out discussion before taking any action. Bonus points if you can find a way to make them miss a deadline or arrive late to an important event. Just be prepared for the fiery wrath that follows.

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Taurus values stability and routine above all else, so the quickest way to annoy them is to disrupt their carefully cultivated sense of order. Move their things around without asking, change plans at the last minute, or insist on trying new and unfamiliar things. Taurus also has a deep appreciation for the finer things in life, so serving them subpar food or drink is sure to get under their skin. Just don’t be surprised if they cut you out of their life altogether – Taurus doesn’t have time for chaos.

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Gemini is all about communication and intellectual stimulation, so the easiest way to annoy them is to be a boring, uncommunicative dud. Give one-word answers to their questions, refuse to engage in witty banter, or insist on talking about the same dull topics over and over again. Gemini also hates being tied down, so try to pin them down to a plan or commitment they’re not ready for. Just be prepared for them to talk circles around you in retaliation.

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Cancer is a deeply emotional and nurturing sign, so the quickest way to annoy them is to be cold, dismissive, or unappreciative of their efforts. Ignore their attempts to take care of you, or brush off their emotional needs as unimportant. Cancer also has a strong attachment to home and family, so insulting their loved ones or criticizing their living space is sure to get a rise out of them. Just don’t be surprised if they retreat into their shell and give you the silent treatment for days on end.

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Leo loves nothing more than being the center of attention, so the easiest way to annoy them is to steal their spotlight. Interrupt them when they’re telling a story, or one-up them with your own accomplishments. Leo also takes great pride in their appearance and status, so showing up to an event underdressed or failing to acknowledge their achievements is sure to ruffle their mane. Just be prepared for them to roar back with a vengeance.

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Virgo is all about perfection and attention to detail, so the quickest way to annoy them is to be sloppy, disorganized, or careless. Leave your dishes in the sink, show up late to a meeting, or submit work that’s full of typos and errors. Virgo also has a strong need for control, so trying to take charge or questioning their methods is sure to get under their skin. Just don’t be surprised if they start micromanaging every aspect of your life in response.

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Libra values harmony and balance above all else, so the easiest way to annoy them is to be confrontational, aggressive, or pushy. Pick fights over trivial matters, refuse to compromise, or insist on always getting your way. Libra also has a strong appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, so surrounding them with ugliness or clutter is sure to throw them off balance. Just be prepared for them to quietly seethe and plot their revenge.

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Scorpio is a deeply intense and private sign, so the quickest way to annoy them is to invade their personal space or betray their trust. Ask prying questions about their personal life, share their secrets with others, or try to manipulate them into doing something they don’t want to do. Scorpio also has a strong sense of loyalty, so questioning their commitment or accusing them of being disloyal is sure to sting. Just don’t be surprised if they cut you out of their life completely.

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Sagittarius is all about freedom and adventure, so the easiest way to annoy them is to tie them down or limit their options. Insist on making plans far in advance, or try to control their every move. Sagittarius also has a blunt and honest communication style, so being passive-aggressive or beating around the bush is sure to drive them nuts. Just be prepared for them to bolt at the first sign of boredom.

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Capricorn is a highly ambitious and disciplined sign, per Cosmopolitan, so the quickest way to annoy them is to be lazy, unproductive, or flaky. Show up to work late, miss deadlines, or fail to follow through on your commitments. Capricorn also values tradition and authority, so questioning their methods or challenging their authority is sure to get under their skin. Just don’t be surprised if they cut you off completely – Capricorn doesn’t have time for dead weight.

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Aquarius is a highly independent and unconventional sign, so the easiest way to annoy them is to be clingy, conformist, or closed-minded. Insist on spending every waking moment together, or try to force them to fit into a traditional mold. Aquarius also has a strong sense of social justice, so being politically incorrect or insensitive to marginalized groups is sure to raise their hackles. Just be prepared for them to rebel in unexpected ways.

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Pisces is a deeply intuitive and empathetic sign, so the quickest way to annoy them is to be insensitive, dismissive, or cruel. Brush off their feelings as unimportant, or make fun of their dreams and aspirations. Pisces also has a rich inner world, so interrupting their alone time or forcing them to socialize when they’re not in the mood is sure to grate on their nerves. Just don’t be surprised if they swim away and never look back.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.