Aldi Now Has Dill Pickle Popcorn To Take Your Snack Game To The Next Level

Aldi Now Has Dill Pickle Popcorn To Take Your Snack Game To The Next Level

I don’t know about you, but I’m always game for a new snack. I love chips, pretzels, candy, cake — anything you want to offer me, I’ll give it a go. Weirdly enough, while I really don’t like actual dill pickles, I’m super into anything dill pickle-flavored. That’s why I’m headed to my local Aldi as soon as possible because they’re now selling bags of dill pickle popcorn and I already know it’s going to be delicious.

  1. Clancy’s Dill Pickle Popcorn is a new addition to the Aldi shelves. For $1.69, you get a 7.5 oz bag of popcorn, which is delicious all on its own, complete with dill pickle flavor. If it resembles the food it’s inspired by at all, you can probably expect a slightly sour, sharp flavor along with the normal buttery popcorn taste. Basically, my dream snack!
  2. It won’t be around for long. The popcorn is part of the Aldi Finds program, which pulls in loads of unique, delicious items for a limited time only. It’s great to have access to so many different, tasty foods but it also means if you find something you love, you may have to go without once it’s no longer on sale.
  3. It’s available now, according to Aldi. The Aldi US Instagram account confirmed last week that their dill pickle popcorn is now on shelves and is available at your local store, depending on supplies. Something tells me this is going to sell out quickly, so you’ll have to be fast if this seems like something you want to eat. (And let’s be honest, how could it not be?)
  4. They’ll be bringing out pickle chips soon too! According to a comment on the official Instagram account, the dill pickle chips Aldi offered awhile back will be making a comeback in March, so if you miss out on the popcorn or you just loved the chips while they were out, you’re in luck. Yum!
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