Husband Gives Shopaholic Wife A Cake Shaped Like An Amazon Box

Husband Gives Shopaholic Wife A Cake Shaped Like An Amazon Box

There’s no better investment I’ve made in my life than my Amazon Prime membership. The yearly fee has paid for itself a million times over given how often I shop on the site for everything from my dog’s food to protein powder to high-waist leggings that are TO DIE FOR (seriously). Thankfully, I feel kinda vindicated because photographer Emily McGuire loves shopping on the site so much, her husband got her a cake shaped like an Amazon box for her birthday.

amazon box cake

  1. McGuire loved the cake. She said that she cracked up laughing when she saw it and immediately loved her husband even more than she already did.”In that moment, I knew my husband ‘gets me,'” she said.
  2. The cake was made by a local bakery. McGuire’s husband hit up the Sweet Dreams Bakery in Dunn, North Carolina for the custom bake, and I have to say, they did an incredible job. It looks so realistic! Thankfully, it tasted as good as it looked, with McGuire telling CafeMom, “It was delicious!”
  3. It’s so detailed! Not only does the cake feature the easily recognizable Amazon packaging tape, it also has the Priority Mail label with a USPS tracking code and an address, listed as 1234 Birthday Lane. There was so much thought and work that went into this and it really is incredible. Hats off to the bakers who pulled this incredible cake together! It’s almost too pretty to eat! (I said ALMOST.)
  4. She didn’t expect the insane response. The cake has been making the rounds on social media and no one was more shocked by how popular it became than McGuire herself. “It’s been insane!” she admitted. To be honest, it’s not all that surprising to me. I don’t know many people who don’t love Amazon and cake, so combining the two seems like a no-brainer.
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